Tag: people data


How Automation Is Helping HR Become the New Face of Change

The move toward remote, mobile, and flexible working has been progressing for some time now. Yet, the global COVID-19 pandemic has acted as an unexpected catalyst, accelerating digital transformation and universalizing remote working across the world.


5 Ways to Win with Your Hourly Workforce Data

Hourly-based organizations can collect more data than ever before, but many lack the tools to leverage that information and proactively manage workforce concerns. Although decisions about hours, pay, safety, and performance are critical to the workforce, too many have been left to “I think” rather than “the data tell me.”


Data @Work

While “artificial intelligence” (AI) seems to have replaced “big data” as the overused buzzword in corporate America, the ability to access, aggregate, and assimilate data to aid in better decision-making remains a much more realistic imperative for organizations to tackle. In the new world of digital HR, the deluge of available people-related data has provided […]