Tag: Performance Review


How to Give Good Feedback on Goals

Do your employees make quarterly or yearly goals? If so, you probably have a system in place whereby you or another employee meets with them to go over their goals. However, these meetings are probably pretty quick—after all, how can you really tell people the goals they set for themselves aren’t a good idea? It’s […]


Acronyms and Employee Performance: List Goes On and On

Acronyms are quick and useful abbreviations that allow us to recall lists, speeches, important facts, or procedures through the use of one word or short phrase. Such shortcuts are common in the world of employment, too, and just as useful. TIPS and tricks Acronyms are one of the oldest tricks in the book when it […]


4 Ways to Take the Bias Out of Performance Reviews

Researchers at Stanford University have recently found that despite a lack of gender differences in objective performance metrics (e.g., grades, fitness scores, or class standing) and decades of equal opportunity efforts, the language used to describe women hurts their advancement opportunities.


Is it Time to Ditch the Performance Review?

We’re in the midst of a revolution, where more than one-third of U.S. companies are replacing traditional annual performance reviews. Companies like Adobe®, Microsoft®, IBM, Deloitte, Dell, General Electric have opted for informal, regular check-ins between employees and their managers.


Why It’s Time to Replace the Performance Review

by Lisa Bodell, futurethink This past summer, IBM announced that it would exchange annual performance reviews for a different approach: instead of being held to a set of goals drafted every January, employees will check in with managers throughout the year and get more frequent feedback, shifting priorities and goals if needed. The new process […]

7 Ways to Improve Your Performance Review Process

Money is one reason the annual review is dreaded, notes Alan C. Fox, the president of ACF Property Management, Inc., and the author of PEOPLE TOOLS: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity. A second reason is that the employer needs to give the employee “constructive” criticism.

No More HR Terrorism

How is HR a terrorist? HR tends to use the law as a hammer, Sackett says. “No, you can’t do it; it’s against the law.” A better approach is, “Yes, you can do it, but we put ourselves at risk for an expensive and prolonged lawsuit.”  You be the CEO’s risk advisor; he or she […]