Tag: President Donald Trump

Telework Myths Are Breaking HR Strategies in the Federal Workforce

With President Donald Trump signing an executive order directing federal agencies to eliminate telework, Republican leaders in Congress recently took aim at teleworking within the federal government, claiming that remote and hybrid arrangements create inefficiencies and bloat costs. However, these claims run counter to the data. For HR professionals, the debate over federal telework offers […]


New Law Allows Employers to Make Temporary Changes to FSAs

On December 27, 2020, President Donald Trump signed the Economic Aid to Hard Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits and Venues Act into law. It makes temporary changes to rules governing health and dependent care flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and allows employers that sponsor the plans to provide employees with more time to use the benefits. Here […]


Employers Expected to Resume Diversity Training Plans as EO Fizzles

Employers are feeling free to resume their diversity training plans now that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has reportedly suspended enforcement of President Donald Trump’s Executive Order (EO) restricting how certain employers can conduct training aimed at combating discrimination.


Trump Administration Moving Ahead on EEOC, NLRB Vacancies

The White House announcement of four nominees for positions on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) means the Trump administration is making progress filling agency posts, but even if all the new nominees are confirmed, the NLRB will still be left with one open seat.


Nashville Trump Supporter Fired Over Facebook Post Wins Trial

Government employees enjoy more protection than employees of private-sector companies when it comes to speaking their minds about politics or other matters of public concern outside the workplace. A public employee may not be fired or disciplined for engaging in “constitutionally protected” speech.

Factors to Consider with Applicants Who Have Criminal Records

In a previous post, we discussed the recently signed FIRST STEP Act, which reduces sentences for thousands of nonviolent criminals and promises to provide shorter sentences for certain nonviolent crimes going forward. When it comes to a particular individual, the criminal justice system has two primary goals: punishment and rehabilitation.

Trump Signals Potential Place for Skilled Foreign Workers

President Donald Trump has turned much of traditional American politics on its head, and many of his policies have put some traditional Republican allies in a tough position. While these traditional allies may support some of the president’s policies, they cringe at others. Case in point: the business community.