Tag: procedures

Time to Move to Electronic Recordkeeping? (Hint: You Already Have)

Think it might be time to move to electronic recordkeeping? You already have! says attorney Marc Jacuzzi. Look at what you already are doing electronically: E-mail Spreadsheets Website E-documents Presentations Voice mail Payroll And just look at what else is potentially keeping an electronic record: Telephone extension detail Computer/network system log-on, log-off times Scantron® security […]

Is Guidance for Electronic Discovery Clear?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we shared some surprising results from Fulbright & Jaworski’s 7th Annual Litigation Trends Survey. Today, respondents’ views on electronic discovery and HR-related suits, and an introduction to the new training system that helps avoid litigation entirely. [Go here for more survey results and details on the survey.]   Do you think the […]

Survey Says: Break Claims Down, Misclassifications and Overtime Up

Meal/rest break claims are down significantly, while misclassifications and overtime cases remain strong, says the 7th Annual Litigation Trends Report from international law firm Fulbright & Jaworski LLP. Fulbright surveyed senior corporate counsel on their experiences and opinions regarding litigation. The survey had 403 participants, 275 whom were from the U.S. Of the U.S. companies […]

Supervisors Are Scared of Discipline—How to Help

Supervisors don’t like confrontation, says Dennis A. Davis, Ph.D. Fortunately, there are ways to help your supervisors dispense discipline without creating tension for them or problems for you. Davis is the director of client training for the national law firm of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. His remarks came during a recent audio […]

Timekeeping—If It’s So Simple, Why So Many Lawsuits?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we offered tips for managing the basics of HR legal issues. Today, the rest of the tips and an introduction to a program specially designed for smaller or even one-person HR departments. Once again, a tip of the Advisor hat to attorneys John K. Skousen and Christopher J. Boman, partners at the […]

Most HR Failures Come from Ignoring the Basics

There are dozens of picky technical ways to run afoul of employment laws, but more often than not it’s the most fundamental failures that get employers in trouble, say attorneys John K. Skousen and Christopher J. Boman. Unfortunately, Skousen says, employers have the money and the power, so there’s an automatic bias towards them. That […]

Consumer Cost Negotiation: Holy Grail of Health Care Cost Control

Yesterday’s Advisor presented  Andrew Ceccon’s first five steps for helping employees be better ( and less expensive) healthcare consumers. Today, steps six and seven, plus an introduction to the program that helps companies set up wellness programs with great ROIs. Ceccon, former chief marketing officer at A.D.A.M., a provider of healthcare content and benefits tools […]

Wellness: What Can HR Do to Educate Employees (Read ‘Save Money’)

Health care reform passed, but that doesn’t mean your health care costs are going down anytime soon. Healthcare inflation is still forcing companies to find alternatives. Consumer-driven health care (CDH) seems to be the only option gaining real traction, says Andrew Ceccon. Ceccon, former chief marketing officer at A.D.A.M., a provider of healthcare content and […]

You’re Never Safe from Discovery of Improper Conduct

You are not alone, says attorney Jean Johnson. Write as if you’re being published, speak as if you’re being recorded, and act as if you’re being videotaped. Never expect that there is a secure place to engage in improper conduct, she says. Yesterday’s Advisor presented Johnson’s tips for lessening the danger of discovery. Today, more […]

Discovery Is Dangerous—How to Reduce Liability

Discovery—the right of your employee’s lawyer to seek information from your company—has always been dangerous, and the advent of electronic communications has just made it that much worse. In today’s Advisor, attorney Jean Johnson offers suggestions for reducing liability This article focuses on the “request for production,” which is a request for documents and other […]