Tag: procedures

Spending More on Separation May Cost Less

Employers conducting layoffs often seek the least expensive way. After all, saving money is the whole purpose, right? But recent research suggests that spending some money to do it right may pay off way more than it costs. DBM, a leading outplacement and career management firm, recently released the results of a study titled “Global […]

Keep the Reins on HR to Preserve Privilege

In yesterday’s Advisor, attorney James Boudreau warned about the "phantom class action." Today, we’ll get more of his tips, and we’ll take a look at a unique HR audit program that will help you to find potential legal problems before the lawyers—or the feds—do. Boudreau’s remarks came at a Littler Mendelson Employer Conference in New […]

Beware the Phantom Class Action

Demand letters masquerading as class action suits are threatening organizations across the country. You haven’t heard about phantom suits, says attorney James Boudreau, because they don’t get filed. But these insidious attacks are costing employers plenty. Boudreau’s remarks came at a Littler Mendelson Employer Conference in New York City. Boudreau is a partner in the […]

Managers Wearing ‘Please Sue Me’ Placards?

How many of your managers are wandering around with "Please Sue Me" placards on their backs? Probably quite a few, says Hunter Lott. Yesterday’s Advisor covered his tips for a variety of HR compliance challenges. Today, we’ll get his tips on wage and hour issues, and take a look at a unique program just for […]

‘Please Sue Me’ (Your Managers Talking?)

Happy people don’t sue … but there aren’t a lot of happy people these days, says Hunter Lott. Nevertheless, today’s economic times mean a once-in-a-business-lifetime opportunity, he says. Lott is a consultant who specializes in helping small businesses cope with HR regulations and compliance. His suggestions came during one of his "Please Sue Me" sessions […]

Proactive Approach to Social Media Control

In yesterday’s Advisor, Alison Davis discussed rant sites—the dark side of social media. Today, she shares proactive practices for controlling social media use. Plus, we’ll take a look at a unique one-stop source for solving HR problems. The best approach to keeping former employees quiet, Davis says, is to tie agreements about future behavior, non-disclosure, […]

Beware the Dark Side of Social Media

Social media is clearly the coming thing for hip companies, but there is a dark side, says Alison Davis, a communications consultant. She recommends that employers take a proactive approach. Davis is CEO of Davis & Company (davisandco.com). She made her comments at a recent webinar hosted by BLR®. Information You Thought Was Protected Davis […]

The ‘Easy’ Way to Deal with Problem Employees

A longtime employee who gets a “24-hour bug” every other week, usually on a sunny Friday. A sales rep who smashes quota one month but slacks off the next. The line supervisor who is “just a few minutes” late most days.  Recognize any of these folks? If you’re in HR, you do. Problem employees. You’re […]

Negative Blogs: Your Story or Theirs?

No matter what you do, your company is going to be featured on blogs, says Alison Davis. “So you have a choice as a company—either you lay out the story from your perspective, or you let someone else write it.” Davis, a communications consultant, recommends a thorough and proactive approach to social media on the […]

Social Media: Your Best Offense or Your Best Defense?

Social media usage is coming like a tidal wave, and employers need to be thinking about their offense—how to present themselves online—and their defense—how to respond to negative expressions about their company on blogs and rant sites. Alison Davis, a communications consultant, recommends a thorough and proactive approach. Davis is CEO of Davis & Company […]