Tag: pros and cons

4-Day Workweek Gains Traction

If there’s one thing the pandemic experience has contributed to, it’s employees’ demand for more flexibility and work/life balance. Hybrid work is becoming more common, but so is another flexible concept: the 4-day workweek. It’s an idea that has been gaining traction globally, and it holds a lot of advantages not just for employees but […]

Monitoring Your Employees? Understand the Pros and Cons

Employers have long used employee monitoring techniques to understand what workers do all day. Reasons for monitoring run the gamut from keeping an eye out for thieves and slackers to discovering ways to improve processes, ultimately leading to increased efficiency. Those reasons remain, but the rise of remote work has created even more interest in […]

Summer Hours: Pros and Cons for Businesses

As the United States moves further into summer, the weather and long days can bring a welcome mental health boost but can also be distracting for some employees. Instead of focusing diligently on work, they may spend their Friday afternoons mentally packing for that weekend cabin trip or sneaking out a bit early to play […]

The Pros and Cons of Third-Party Training Resources

Companies of all sizes have struggled with corporate training efforts. With often limited resources, it’s hard to come up with engaging and relevant training material in the first place, let alone keep that material current in a dynamic economic, competitive, and regulatory climate. However, there are a number of low-cost options for training material created […]

Pros and Cons of Employee Retreats

Employee retreats, during which staff spend time together off-site, are being viewed in a new light in the post-COVID, hybrid work world. In a still largely remote workplace without watercooler discussions and chance hallway run-ins, such retreats can represent a rare opportunity for face time and unstructured bonding. Still, such events can often have significant […]