Tag: Recruiting Sin

Recruiting Sin #2: Ignoring the Importance of Your Employment Brand

As the economy improves and unemployment decreases, some companies are finding themselves in a perplexing and frustrating position—they are unable to fill certain roles with qualified individuals despite large numbers of available applicants. What is causing this disconnect?

Recruiting Sin #1—Leaping Before You Look

Whether you are placing print ads or using the latest technology, the basic business tenet remains: Recruiting—who you let in the door—is the primary determinant of success, both for the organization and the hiring manager. In this continuing series, Recruiting Daily Advisor will explore the major sins that recruiters and hiring managers make. Who You […]

From Dull Job Description to Attractive Posting

Yesterday’s Advisor covered Recruiting Sin #1—Hiring before you know what you need. Today, how to take your understanding of the job and turn it into a posting that will attract great candidates and turn away undesirable ones.