Tag: Remote Work


Casting a Broader Recruitment Net in a Remote World

For millennia, cities have been a key feature of civilizations and economies because they serve as a nexus for human interaction. Individuals have greater access to commerce and culture in cities, and companies generally have a better chance of selling goods and services, as well as greater access to talent pools. Consequently, most top companies’ […]


Determining Whom to Bring Back to the Office

With multiple vaccines widely available and millions already vaccinated across the United States, the country is looking forward to returning to a world that, even if not exactly pre-pandemic “normal,” at least allows for the resumption of many in-person, group activities. This, of course, includes in-office work. Despite their worst fears, many companies have found […]

Changing Up the Workplace to Spur Creativity

It’s hard to find the perfect workplace, and much of what makes a workplace “perfect” depends on the nature of the work being done. A quiet, secluded office devoid of any distractions might be perfect for powering through mundane, repetitive work. But it wouldn’t necessarily lend itself to creativity. The Creative Power of Public Spaces […]


DOL Issues Guidance on Posting Requirements in Remote Work Setting

With more and more employees working remotely because of the COVID-19 outbreak, you may fairly be wondering whether electronic messages or postings on the company’s intranet system will satisfy government requirements to provide notice to employees about their rights. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently answered the question the way most lawyers do: It […]

Rethinking Your Friendly Reminder E-Mails

As we noted in a previous post, the COVID-19-triggered shift to remote work has moved conversations that once took place at the proverbial watercooler, in conference rooms, or by popping into a coworker’s workspace to virtual formats. Even when that format is a video call, much of the nuance of in-person communication is lost. This […]


Zoom and Meeting Inclusiveness

When people talk about inclusiveness in the workplace, the concept is often closely associated with diversity—ensuring that a company is inclusive of its diverse workforce. Diversity means ensuring there are diverse people at the table, while inclusiveness means giving everyone at the table a chance to be heard. Typically, inclusiveness is associated with race, gender, […]

How Finding the Right Culture Match Has Changed in Our Remote World

The term “company culture” became a recruiting buzzword many years ago and has since turned into a key workplace factor. Start-ups and tech companies took it to the next level, innovating in the workplace to not only set the scene for great company culture but also attract those who wanted to be part of it.


Remote Work and the Productivity Debate

It may seem hard to believe, but it’s been nearly a year since millions of Americans swiftly transitioned from in-office work to remote work. Between the logistical challenges of setting up multiple remote offices for individual teams, the difficulty of providing close supervision, and the lack of opportunities for traditional team meetings, a huge concern […]


Benefits to Employers of Remote Work

As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on and looks to continue well into 2021, employers and employees are getting used to remote work arrangements, at least in workplaces and industries where they’re feasible.


Disadvantages of Remote Work

As COVID-19 still abounds and a large cohort of employees are working from home whenever possible, employers and employees alike are seeing the advantages and disadvantages of this setup. It’s clear there are a lot of positives, like decreased costs for everyone and great productivity levels. Technology has enabled remote work to continue nearly seamlessly […]