Tag: Remote Work


How to Keep Gen Z Engaged in the Workplace

There are currently 61 million individuals from Generation Z (those born between the mid-1990s to the early 2000s) inside the United States. And they’re getting ready to enter the workforce in droves in coming years.


Working from Home Is the Work of the Future, Study Finds

How many of your employees work from home? A recent study by Amerisleep analyzed 1,001 remote employees across the United States. Among other things, this survey revealed both the sweeter and the more bitter sides of the increasingly popular remote lifestyle.


5 Trends for Training Firms and Platforms

The learning and development (L&D) industry is booming and is expanding at a rapid rate alongside innovative technologies—so much so that L&D departments themselves are becoming central hubs for all workplace innovation and growth.

5 Tech Tips to Make Working from Home More Productive

There’s a good chance you work from home occasionally, especially if you’re in tech. In fact, a recent study released by Zug found that 70% of the professional workforce is remote at least 1 day a week. And 53% of all professionals work remotely for at least half of the week.

Allowing Remote Work: What NOT to Do

As more and more indications are found that employees value the opportunity for flexible scheduling and remote work, employers are finding the need to handle these benefits effectively. While some employers have allowed remote work for years, others are new to the game and finding that there are a lot of potential pitfalls to avoid.


4 Mentorship Program Ideas for the New Year

According to recent research, 83% of workers participating in a mentoring program admitted that their experiences positively influenced their desire to stay at their organizations. And, luckily, there are many types of mentor-mentee relationships that your organization can help promote via various types of mentorship programs.


An Uptick in Remote Work Opportunities

While employee compensation remains one of the, if not the, most important factors in employee job satisfaction, there are a number of nonfinancial elements that have a strong influence on attracting and retaining top talent. These perks include flexible work hours and the ability to work remotely.

Competing for Remote Workers: Top Jobs That Offer $100,000 or More

One recurring trend for 2018, that’s slated to continue on in 2019, is offering employees flexible working arrangements. In order to attract talent to your company, you can stay ahead of the competition by offering candidates what they want most: flexibility and a competitive salary.