Tag: Remote Work


Remote Work as a Key Job Skill

With the sudden and ongoing shift to remote work for millions of American employees, many are starting to speculate that working from home (WFH) may be part of the “new normal” in a post-COVID world, even after the necessity of the work arrangement has passed.


Is Work from Home Here to Stay?

One of the most visible and tangible COVID-19 business impacts for many employees is the complete shift to working from home. According to survey results published by Willis Towers Watson on May 21, 2020, roughly three-quarters of employers adjusted their workplaces in response to COVID-19 and reported that 53% of their full-time employees are now […]

Handling the Pandemic Was Challenging Enough Even with a Crisis Plan

It’s not hard to imagine how challenging things were for those that didn’t have a plan in place. Either way, HR had a lot of evolving and problem-solving to do. I recently spoke to one HR individual whose organization actually had a specific pandemic crisis plan in place.


Predictions on the Long-Term Outlook for Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned everyday life upside down in so many ways. From school and child care to socializing and work life, dramatic change has been forced on many individuals and businesses over the last several months.

Maintaining Culture and Engagement No Matter Where You Are

Employee engagement was a major conversation before the coronavirus, and it’s still important. I recently spoke with an HR professional who has done everything she can to help maintain a healthy workplace culture and keep employee engagement high while we all work from home.


Managing Impact of Stay-at-Home Orders and Remote Work on Paid Leave Benefits

Instead of beautiful beaches, outdoor adventures, or exotic locales, we are facing the realities of travel restrictions, social distancing requirements, and continued health fears. While we grapple with these issues, it’s starting to occur to managers that many employees have likely not taken vacation or other paid leave (unrelated to COVID-19) because they haven’t needed to do so.


Remote Workers Prone to Increased Back Pain

These days I find myself missing my old office chair. Sure, it was heavy, stained, and perhaps even falling apart. But it was far better than this low-budget IKEA monstrosity that I sit in every day now that I am working from home. I am hardly alone. Many employees are now working from whatever chair […]


Remote Work: 5 Best Practices for Effective Teambuilding

Just because your team is not operating in a single, centralized location does not mean you can’t develop strong bonds between collaborators. In fact, a distributed setup offers an array of possibilities to root team spirit in your company through processes, traditions, and events.

Remote Work in Times of Crisis: 3 Threats to Employee Engagement

Did you know that the number of remote workers has grown by 140% since 2005? That’s what data from Global Workplace Analytics indicate. Now consider this: 80% of employees reported they’d be more loyal if they had more flexible work options, such as working from home. These numbers prove my point: Remote work has tremendous […]