Tag: screening

Not Quite Qualified

You’ve found a job candidate who has some of the qualifications for the job. Should you take a chance and hire the person? Or should you keep looking?

Diversity of Thought

Are you drawn to job candidates who remind you … of yourself? While people often seek like-minded individuals as friends, the workplace should not reflect this kind of preference.

Hire Them Fast, but Well

So you have to hire a ton of new people, and you need it done yesterday. What do you do? Same thing you did last time? Today we’ll hear from Adam Ochstein, founder and CEO of StratEx, on how to change things up in order to hire quickly and well.

The Great Value of Applicant Feedback

In yesterday’s Advisor we heard some tips from Bridget Miller on receiving feedback from applicants. Today, more tips on getting feedback as well as what to ask.


Getting Feedback from Job Applicants

Has your organization implemented any type of formal or informal ways to get feedback about your hiring and recruiting process? Doing so can help you to gain insights on how to improve the process to make it more efficient. Let’s take a look at why employers may consider trying to get applicant feedback, how they […]


Racism and Recruiting

America has a long and painful history of racism. Lately, the news has served as a reminder of this history, while alerting the nation’s citizens there are still steps to take on the road to equality.

‘Ur’ Hired: Why You Should Be Texting Job Candidates

The job interview process is getting longer. Although there are many reasons for this increase—including more thorough “screening methods” such as group panel interviews, background checks, and skills tests—one of the biggest delays for recruiters comes at the very onset of the interview process, where screening a high volume of candidates is bogged down by waiting for qualified applicants to call back.


The Cons of Required Drug Testing

Yesterday we looked at the pros of required drug testing at your organization. Today we’ll look at the cons.