Tag: seasonal workers


Open Hiring 101

We know the search for good talent is tough, but could you imagine hiring the first person who walked in the door and applied for a job? That’s basically the strategy one company has adopted in order to fill its vacant roles.


Master Seasonal Staffing Demands with Technology

It often feels like a mad dash to hire good people to meet seasonal demand, but forecasts aren’t always right, and needs shift daily. The hiring process for seasonal work has not come close to maximizing its potential.


Retailers Are Hiring Up for the Holidays, but Training Will Make All the Difference

The seasonal hiring push is well under way. Major retailers have been announcing significant hiring plans left and right, including Target and UPS, which will add more than 230,000 seasonal workers between them. This is all in anticipation of a huge holiday sales season, with the National Retail Federation (NRF) forecasting that holiday retail sales […]


Summer Hiring: 2 in 5 Employers Expecting to Recruit Seasonal Help

The summer job market is upon us and with good news—companies are stepping up their summer hiring. Forty-one percent of employers plan to hire seasonal workers for the summer, a significant jump from 29% last year. Of those who are hiring summer workers, 34% are hiring a friend, 30% a family member, and 19% their […]

‘Tis the Season to Hire Seasonal Workers

It’s easy (and common) for retailers to hire temporary seasonal workers to help handle the rush of holiday business. But however temporary their employment might be, they’re still employees with all the potential for employer liability that status entails. It’s important to bear that in mind. Audit your hiring policies and practices with the Employment […]

Holidays and the Workplace

At Thanksgiving time, we thought it would be good to take a look at some of the issues employers face during the holidays — drops in productivity, employees shopping online when they should be working, training seasonal workers, refereeing disagreements about holiday decorations, and, of course, navigating the office party. Lawsuits never take a holiday. […]