The Skinny on Bonuses

“Bonus” is a term we’re all familiar with in a general sense, but today we’re going to step back and look at the concept in the context of your overall compensation strategy.

Take a New Perspective on Training with Bloom’s Taxonomy

You may have regular training sessions, but is your target audience really learning the material? There are many methods and models when it comes to learning and retention, and today, we consider Bloom’s Taxonomy—and how you can use it to take a fresh look at how you train employees.

Data May Be King, But Don’t Forget the Humans

Yesterday’s Advisor featured futurist Mike Walsh’s take on recruiting and managing employees in an environment that is quickly changing. Today, Walsh says we may be awash in data, but let’s not forget the human element. Walsh, a well-known prognosticator and author of the Dictionary of Dangerous Ideas, delivered his tips for preparing for the future […]

Prefer Harvard MBA or High-Ranking WOW Master?

What will it take to build a culture of engaged innovators who can keep our organizations successful? How do we spot the capabilities that will matter in the future? One corporate hiring manager summed it up this way: I’d rather hire a high-level master of World of Warcraft than a Harvard MBA. In his 10 […]

Employee Enthusiasm Score Up from 37% to 87.5%? Here’s How

In yesterday’s Advisor, Megan Lee, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, told how her company organized flextime when every employee had to be physically on-site every day. Today, more about her program, including the extraordinary results she achieved.

To Attract Best Candidates, You Must Offer Flextime, but …

One of the most highly rated factors for attracting applicants to your organization is flextime. But offering it isn’t always easy. Megan Lee, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, tells how she did it in a company where every employee has to be on-site in person every day.