‘I am appalled’ by SHRM/HRCI Brouhaha (Talk-Back)

Two readers cleverly turned the sample question against SHRM. (See “Back at You” below.) Here are the responses: ****************************************************** I am appalled at these two are having such a dispute. They should find common ground for the benefit of Advancing the Profession. Grow Up! ****************************************************** I have been SPHR-certified for several years and the news […]

‘I am appalled’ by SHRM/HRCI Brouhaha (Talk-Back)

We got a large number of comments responding to last week’s epinion concerning the brouhaha brewing over SHRM’s decision to start offering its own certifications, in competition with HRCI. [See the original post here.] None of the comments is positive and most of the negativity is directed toward SHRM. Two readers cleverly turned the sample […]

SHRM certification: How will HR professionals go forward?

Career-minded human resource professionals interested in proving their worth to their employers devote time, energy, and money into earning certification. But now the credentialing system they’ve relied on for decades is up in the air, and a new system is still a mystery. HR pros were surprised in May when the Society for Human Resource […]

SHRM-HRCI rift: What does it mean for HR professionals?

The news of a change in certification for human resource professionals struck a nerve this spring when the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) announced it was developing a new certification system that seems to be a threat to the familiar credentials offered through HR Certification Institute (HRCI). The heat has only built since the […]

Certification Brouhaha at SHRM Orlando

The big buzz at the SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition revolved around SHRM’s announcement that it will start offering its own professional certifications. Why is it happening and what does it mean for HR pros?

Certification Brouhaha at SHRM Orlando

Speaking about the other entity, SHRM and HRCI both said to HRDA, “Their interpretation of ‘partnership’ Is not the same as ours.” SHRM found HRCI intransigent on the issue of adding competencies to the certification process. HRCI says that SHRM defines “partnership” as controlling and their position threatened HRCI’s independence, which they believe is necessary […]

2014—The 3 Levels of Concern for HR Managers

It’s going to be a challenging year for HR (well, aren’t they all?). In today’s Advisor we’ll take a look at three levels of concern—policy HR issues like technology, health care, and social media; basic HR issues like wage/hour threats; and strategic HR issues like losing your high potentials because your Boomers aren’t retiring. Technology/Social […]

Toobin’s Take on Hobby Lobby

Special from SHRM’s Employment Law and Legislative Conference Hobby Lobby is a large (3 billion plus) privately held organization with over 600 stores across the country. The company’s philosophy is imbued with the religious views of its founder David Green. For example, the number one operating principle listed on their website is “Honoring the Lord […]

Not ‘Discipline’ … but ‘Opportunity to Improve’

Yesterday, we presented attorney Jathan Janove’s suggestions for dealing with employees who say, “My aberrant behavior was caused by my disability.” Today, we’ll give you more of his tips—plus an introduction to an upcoming California-specific ADA/FEHA training session.