The 6 Scary Phrases to Avoid in Appraisals

West, principal at Employment Practices Specialists in Pacifica, California, offered her suggestions at SHRM’s annual conference and exhibition, held recently in Las Vegas. Here are her six scary phrases: 1. ‘You’re overcommitted’ When you say this, the applicant will hear: “Has kids and won’t stay late.” Sounds like discrimination. 2. ‘You lack skills necessary to […]

Casual appraisals: Key Evidence Against You in Court

Employment law attorneys aren’t allowed to say “document,” West says; they are always required to say “document, document, document.” There’s a good reason for using the famous three words, she adds, because documentation is that important: It gives you credibility It’s how you show the world that you did what you say you did It […]

Retaining Your Best Employees—Five Key Tips

The original talk was called “30 Ideas in 30 Minutes,” but we’ve culled the best fifteen ideas for readers. The panelists were: Andrew Botwin, head of Human Resources for accounting firm Rothstein Kass Kathy Brooks, VP of Employee Experience, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Michael Burchell, Vice President, Global Business Development, The Great Place to Work […]

Social Media: Don’t Get Off Track With the Law in Monitoring Employees

Recently, we posted survey results from the Society of Human Resource Management showing that almost a third of respondents monitor employees’ use of social media platforms. Hopefully, they are also tracking the laws that could limit the extent of such monitoring. “Social media monitoring that runs afoul of the employee’s privacy interests will subject the […]

Social Media: SHRM Reports How More Employers Are Plugging in

Nearly 70 percent of organizations are using social media to reach external audiences and build relationships with current and potential customers, and/or potential employees, with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter being the top three sites used, according to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). This survey is part three in a series […]

Gallup Data on Obese Workers: Time to Dust Off ‘Lighter’ Workplace Tips

Most U.S. workers are either obese or suffering from at least one chronic condition, which costs employers $153 billion in lost productivity, says a new Gallup-Healthways survey. That’s the bad news. The good news is employers can take steps to lighten their workforce, and I’ll provide a refresher on some of those steps later below. […]

YouTube: A Surprisingly Effective Training Tool

We’re not actually talking about training your managers with YouTube videos (though that’s an interesting idea). We’re talking about hammering home the concept that, in this highly plugged-in age, managers could well see their worst workplace moments broadcast worldwide if they’re not careful.   Lawsuit-avoidance expert and PleaseSueMe.com founder Hunter Lott, who spoke recently at […]

Consumer-Directed Health Plans Like HSAs/HRAs Continue to Grow

Does your computer’s spelling function auto-correct “HSA” to “HAS”? Mine used to, not recognizing that this abbreviation is no longer an error, but represents health savings accounts (HSAs), one type of consumer-directed health plan that is fast becoming mainstream in the health benefits industry. Health savings accounts couple a tax-favored savings account that is used […]