Tag: Social Media


Jobseekers Do Not ‘Like’ Allegedly Biased Facebook Advertisements

Recruiting top talent to your organization can be a difficult task. Between the historically low unemployment rate and the cottage industry of jobs websites out there, it can be challenging to locate strong candidates and persuade them to join your business. In an effort to spread their message as widely as possible, an increasing number […]

Are You Using AI to Communicate with Candidates During the Hiring Process?

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the hiring process has been a trendy topic over the past year, and if your company hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon, you’ll be left in the dust when it comes to engaging and communicating with top talent.


Most Common Reasons for Employee Discipline

Employee discipline is something everyone in any organization wants to avoid. Obviously, discipline is a negative experience for the employee subject to discipline, but it’s also one of the least favorite parts of the job for managers and HR professionals as well.

Potential Pitfall in Social Media Screening of Potential Hires

The Internet Age and, more specifically, the social media age have added a new element to the hiring process. Rather than relying predominantly on what employees say about themselves on their résumés and cover letters, or what their handpicked cheerleaders say about them in letters of recommendation, employers can easily type a candidate’s name into […]

Best Practices for Using Social Media to Research Candidates

Social media is a topic that can be hard to navigate, to say the least. It’s tempting to check out someone’s social media profiles—be it a first date, a new neighbor, or a potential or current employee.

What Happens on Social Media, Stays on Social Media … and Employers Are Noticing

Everything you post to the Internet, stays there, whether you want it to or not. Through the magic of technology, nothing ever really disappears from the web and that includes social media posts. No matter what lengths you take to erase your digital thumbprint, some traces will always remain, and the bad news: employers are […]