Tag: Social Security

Train Your Older Workers Effectively

Do you have more older workers on the job these days? If you answered “yes,” it’s not surprising. The American population is aging, and so is the nation’s workforce. Consider these statistics: The proportion of the U.S. population of people aged 65 and older is projected to increase from 12.4 percent in 2000 to 19.6 […]

Playing the System, Crossing Borders to Refresh Visas—Fraught with Danger

Avoiding Costly Workarounds that Can Lead You Astray Some companies try to cut corners by using contractor agreements to replace local employees, thus doing away with Social Security costs and payroll systems. Yet regulators in places such as Argentina and Brazil require contractors to provide information about their engagements with an overseas company in an […]

Wage and Hour Simple? The 10 Sins

Sin #1. Failure to pay the minimum wage We’ll pay you $5 an hour until you learn the ropes; then you move up to $7 an hour. Virtually all employees are entitled to receive at least the minimum wage (the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour; many states have higher minimum wages) for all […]

Train Employees to Protect Themselves from Identity Theft

Here is an effective Q&A presentation on the basics of identity theft and how employees can protect themselves. What Is Identity Theft? Identity theft is the use of personal information, such as your name, credit card number, Social Security number, without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. How Can Thieves Access Information? There […]

Are Your Supervisors Trained to Explain 401(k)s?

These days many people live well into their eighties, and some make it into their nineties. That means that many of your employees can expect to live 20 or more years in retirement. Financial experts say that to live comfortably during retirement, a person needs about     80 percent of his or her current wages. Social […]

Worksite Privacy from Social Networking to Social Security

Happy Holidays to all our readers from the Advisor Team: Amanda, Chelsea, Kate, Rafael, and Steve! [Go here for privacy issues 1 to 4.] 5. Social Networking Sites Employees have increasingly been utilizing social networking sites for a variety of uses, both personal and professional. Although these sites can be beneficial, their use can also […]

Worksite Privacy from Social Networking to Social Security

Yesterday’s Advisor featured four common-law claims and the first four privacy issues for employers. Today, the rest of the issues, plus an introduction to a comprehensive collection of 350 prewritten policies on CD. [Go here for issues 1 to 4.] 5. Social Networking Sites Employees have increasingly been utilizing social networking sites for a variety […]

Are You Required to File an EEO-1 Report?

EEO-1 reports are required as part of Title VII. They are required to be submitted annually by September 30 to the EEOC’s Joint Reporting Committee. The EEO-1 report provides information on employees by ethnicity, race, gender, and job category, which allows the EEOC to assess trends in the workplace. Are You Required to File an […]