Tag: Strategy

3 Effective Approaches to Employee Retention

Employee retention is a top priority for HR leaders. It’s often difficult enough to find the talent that businesses need in the first place, so it’s crucial that once new hires start in the business they become productive and settled quickly. Yet research regularly shows that up to 1 in 4 of new hires leave […]


How HR Can Foster Resiliency to Create Stronger Teams

As a mom to my two-and-a-half year old daughter, Henley, and the Director of People and Culture at Square Root, a fast-growing tech startup, I often find myself facing similar challenges.

6 Principles of Successful Storytelling

To tell stories successfully, we need to understand a little about why stories connect and a lot about how to build that connection through listening and storytelling.


How to Build a Genuine Company Culture

The business world cherishes the idea finding solutions to problems. Leaders often believe that their businesses, like their products, will function optimally if they just ‘solve’ for the right issue. This mentality backfires when you’re dealing with culture.


Pursuing New Technologies? Focus on the ‘Human Operating System,’ Says Study

When it comes to technology, 2018 has been dubbed: The Year of Disruption. What does this mean exactly? More and more chat bots, artificial intelligence (AI), and other virtual/augmented reality applications that will be changing the way people work and communicate in very innovative ways.


Why Employees Are Quitting

When turnover rates start increasing, the question on every HR professional’s mind is: Why? Why are employees quitting more now than before? And what can be done about it?


Beating the Spring Slump: 3 Programs to Keep Employees Motivated

With summer around the corner and performance reviews out of the way, many employees are starting to feel that “spring slump”—that slowdown period where job motivation is on the decline. A study by Adobe even found that one out of three employees seek other jobs after performance reviews. So, what can companies do to keep […]


The Key to Talent Retention: Treat Employees Like They’re Your Customers

Your customers and your employees are both the bread and butter to your organization, so why would you treat one group better than the other? New research shows that your employees want to be treated just as well as you treat your customers, and if they feel they’re being valued, they’re more likely to stick […]

Are You Sure that Employee Wants a Promotion?

While lack of upward mobility can be a reason employees leave the workplace, employers should also know that not all employees are keen to take on a promotion—especially if they have not yet asked for one. Promotions, particularly those that involve taking on a leadership role, can be stressful.