Tag: stress management

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

By Verity Creedy I saw a sign recently that said, “EQ is the new IQ” and it got me thinking. It comes as no surprise that technical skills are of the utmost importance at work, especially when it comes to keeping up with new technology, like AI, and implementing hybrid roles. But technical skills are […]

Gratitude Can Reduce Worker Stress

Not receiving a “thank you” when holding a door open for a stranger at the store or when helping a friend with an errand can be disheartening and annoying, and it can even foster resentment. But while failing to express gratitude can rub the do-gooder the wrong way, it can also mean the not-so-grateful person […]

6 Steps to Help Employees Manage Stress Around the Holidays

We’ve all been there. Deadlines are piling up at work, you have five holiday parties on the calendar, and you haven’t even thought about what to buy for the office gift exchange. The holidays are stressful, and a growing number of people have the additional stress of being a caregiver to a parent, a child, […]

Reflecting on Mental Health Awareness Month

May was Mental Health Awareness Month. For those who are struggling, know that it’s okay to not be okay—please reach out for help if you need it, and remember that there are people who care about you. While the month may be over, that doesn’t mean we should stop prioritizing wellbeing. We’ve collected our favorite […]

The Pandemic Has Taken a Toll on Manager Wellbeing

Managers have often seen themselves as dispassionate observers of their employees, implementers of systems and protocols, and enforcers of time management—all in the name of productivity and efficiency. This past year proved a major challenge to all those systems, ongoing work assignments, ways of working, and job roles as the pandemic brought dramatic change at […]

Understanding the Definition of Burnout

Everyone in the working world has probably heard the term “burned out.” The term is often used even in nonemployment settings, such as by students in higher education feeling burned out by intense studies. Being burned out is generally considered negative, but there isn’t really a precise definition of the term. Defining Burnout “We tend […]

Get Your Team Physically Active Virtually

Of all the impacts a massive shift to remote work has had on employees and workplace culture, physical activity probably doesn’t top the list in most people’s minds; but there can be noticeable changes in an employee’s productivity, engagement and overall mental state based on changes in their level of activity, and while reducing the […]


5 Best Practices for Mitigating Workplace Stress

According to the American Institute of Stress, workplace stress costs U.S. industries around $300 billion every year and is on the rise as workdays get longer, workers work harder, and job insecurity continues to increase. If you want to mitigate workplace stress at your organization, here are a few best practices to keep in mind.


4 Ways Your Leaders Can Be Better in 2019

Leaders and managers of an organization are often ill-prepared for their roles. In fact, according to a Career Builder survey cited in a Forbes article, 58% of managers said they didn’t receive any management training at all.