Tag: talent acquisition

A 3-Step Structured Interviewing Process to Get the Right Talent Into Your Organization in the Age of AI

Bad hiring decisions have always been expensive for organizations, but they are especially costly today given the tight labor market and the importance of having the right talent in place in the age of AI. The strategic deployment of AI technologies is central to maintaining and enhancing the competitive advantage in today’s digital economy. The […]

What We Learned From… Recruiting & Talent Acquisition Week 2024

We’ve enjoyed a full week of online events and digital resources about hiring best practices. As this year’s Recruiting & Talent Acquisition Week comes to a close, let’s take a look at what we’ve learned from the event’s discussions and resources. Monday A Seat at the Table Podcast | Using Data-Driven Decision Making to Shape Your […]

Cracking the Code: How to Attract and Retain Hourly Workers

For many employers, attracting and retaining hourly workers seems like a puzzle with no solution. Employers often feel like the struggle to hire never stops. And even when people are hired, they’re often on the job barely long enough to be properly trained before they leave for what they think will be greener pastures somewhere […]

3 Ways to Manage a High-Volume Recruiting Campaign 

High-volume hiring is when a company quickly brings on many workers to fill multiple positions. It takes a lot of effort and resources at all stages to successfully conduct a high-volume hiring campaign. It’s more than going through hundreds or thousands of applications. It also involves screening final candidates and then onboarding new hires. Fortunately, high-volume […]

Best of Recruiting 2023

According to LinkedIn, 87% of professionals say that talent acquisition will become a more strategic function in the coming years. But, as recruiters combat potentially limited budgets and a jobseeker’s market, it’s essential that they learn and adapt from 2023’s hiring trends, best practices, and mishaps. While preparing for the new year, let’s take a […]

What We Learned From…Recruiting & Talent Acquisition Week 2023

We’ve enjoyed a full week of online events and digital resources around recruiting and talent acquisition! As this year’s Recruiting & Talent Acquisition Week comes to a close, let’s take a look at what we’ve learned from the event’s discussions and resources. Monday Panel Discussion | Optimizing Social Media for Your Hiring Leads Panelists: Amir Cuffe, Senior […]

How to Take the Guesswork Out of Talent Acquisition

Talent acquisition (TA) technology is a complex landscape that continues to evolve at a rapid pace. According to industry analysts at Aptitude Research, 73% of companies have increased their TA tech investments in 2022, and 70% say they will continue to do so even during a recession. A desire for efficiency in hiring has driven […]

That’s a Wrap on Recruiting and Talent Acquisition Week 2022!

As Recruiting and Talent Acquisition Week comes to a close, we want to look back at all the offerings and events that transpired throughout this exciting week! Monday Feature Article | Education as a Job Benefit Salaries, healthcare, paid time off, work travel, remote work—these are some of the top tier job perks that people often put […]

Recruiting Developers: Why Finding the Right People Is So Important

People who develop code are needed in almost every industry nowadays. The issue is that finding talented coders is challenging. In fact, it might be the most challenging thing a company will ever accomplish. Because, unlike many other professions, talented developers may be several times more productive than their colleagues, developer recruiting is such an […]

Data and Analytics Skills Will Be Explicit Requirements for More Job Roles in 2022

At a time when the “Great Resignation” is getting significant attention, there’s a perception that the need to hire has exceeded the growing need for specific skill sets. However, this could not be further from the truth. Businesses will remember 2022 as a year in which data and analytics skills grew in importance and prominence.