Tag: The Office

EntertainHR: Workers of the Michael Scott Paper Company, Unite!

As a proud Gen Xer, I cannot say that I watch anything on television that would be considered “new” or “current.” So when I had the flu recently, I turned to an old reliable and watched reruns of The Office (which, if you refuse to cut the cord, can be found at all times on […]

“Animal Control”: Killer Bunnies and the War on Drugs in the Workplace

Animal Control is a new sitcom on Fox that calls back to workplace comedies like The Office, Parks and Rec, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.  The show primarily follows Seattle Animal Control Officers, Frank (played by Joe McHale) and his partner, Shred (played by Michael Rowland), as they navigate various animal-related emergencies and their own equally treacherous […]

God’s Favorite Idiot (in the Workplace?)

In God’s Favorite Idiot, Netflix puts a new spin on the workplace comedy. The show begins with a seemingly normal midlevel tech employee, Clark (Ben Falcone), getting struck by lightning while searching for his cat. Clark is surprisingly OK and blissfully unaware that strange things are happening around him—stop lights are turning green for him, […]

That’s What She Said

When the pandemic hit last year and turned the world upside down, I found myself searching for solace and a much-needed laugh in the form of my favorite show of all time, The Office. Apparently, I’m not alone. According to Nielsen, Americans streamed over 57 billion minutes of The Office on Netflix in 2020, far […]


Work-from-Home Fails

The COVID-19 situation has left us all scrambling to maintain our professional lives as much as possible. We’re coming up with alternate work situations: social distancing when we must be at work, working from home when we can, and stretching our resources and creativity when we must.

What if Michael Scott Had Contracted Coronavirus?

During a particularly good episode of The Office, Michael Scott burned his foot, made a screaming SOS call to the receptionist imploring the good people of Dunder-Mifflin for assistance, wrapped his leg in bubble wrap, and took up crutches.

Learn How to Avoid Religious Coercion at Night School

In the film Night School, the main character experiences a workplace that mixes religion and the workplace in a way that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) would not approve of.

Do Beets Have Leaves, and Other Thoughts on Works for Hire

Say what you will about Elon Musk, but the man doesn’t shrink from a challenge. He’s an uber-ambitious serial entrepreneur who’s pushed to market fully electric sports cars, commercialized space travel, and a host of other ideas. However, Fox Business reported that he may have picked a fight last week with one person no one […]


Superstore: America Ferrera Tackles Big-Box Retail

In Superstore, NBC has gifted us The Office-caliber employment law issues in a big-box retail setting.  The show focuses on the fictional Cloud 9 Superstore in Missouri and its delightful staff of misfits, led by America Ferrera.

A Word for the EEOC from Bob Kazamakis*

Do I look like someone who would waste my own time? Robert California, The Office This post takes us back to “That’s What She Said,” Ford Harrison’s earlier and excellent chronicle of The Office. After Michael Scott’s departure for marital bliss with zany HR manager Holly Flax, Dunder Mifflin floundered about in search for a […]