Tag: training news


How Blockchain Is Impacting L&D Professionals

Blockchain technology is disrupting how businesses operate and complete transactions nowadays, especially when it comes to processing cryptocurrencies. There is no doubt about that. But did you know that blockchain technology is also disrupting how organizations approach their training and human resource (HR) models too?


5 Critical Leadership Traits Executives Need to Thrive in the Post-Digital Workplace

L&D professionals identify the ability to effectively deliver insights on skill gaps as a key priority. However, as the workplace becomes increasingly more digitized it’s important that executives understand the key traits that are critical for leadership to succeed. According to research from Randstad US, executives must develop new leadership capabilities in order to successfully […]


Current Global LMS Market Analysis and Projections

By now, it’s no secret that the learning management system (LMS) global market is booming (it’s currently worth more than $5 billion) and projected to grow at exponential levels over the next decade. And as it grows, you can expect to see certain evolving trends, and you’ll want to make sure that you’re monitoring these […]


Why Your Training Materials Must Include Video Content in 2018

Video learning content isn’t just a passing trend in the learning and development industry. And if you want your organization to remain competitive in the years ahead, you’ll want to make sure to include video content in your training materials right now. Keep reading to learn more about why.


Key Trends for Future Military Training

The military simulation and training market is projected to be worth $12.67 billion by 2021 and is showing no signs of slowing down. Below is more information about the future military simulation training trends you’ll want to know about.


How to Accommodate Transitioning and Transgender Employees

In 2017, the state of California enacted the Transgender Work Opportunity Act, which became effective in January 2018. The legislation requires mandatory workplace postings and enhanced training programs geared toward helping transgender and gender nonconforming workers overcome high unemployment rates, helping prevent discrimination in the workplace, and increasing inclusiveness in the workplace.


Trump Administration Floats Idea of Merging DOL and DOE

Training and education have become increasingly important in our modern economy. It’s no longer the case that businesses can rely on a large pool of untrained laborers to perform relatively routine and low-skill tasks from their first day on the job.