Tag: training technology


Current Global LMS Market Analysis and Projections

By now, it’s no secret that the learning management system (LMS) global market is booming (it’s currently worth more than $5 billion) and projected to grow at exponential levels over the next decade. And as it grows, you can expect to see certain evolving trends, and you’ll want to make sure that you’re monitoring these […]

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Skills Unlikely to Be Automated: The 3 Cs

In a previous post, we discussed the fear of many workers of losing their jobs to automation, and we suggested that rather than focusing on specific jobs, we should look at underlying skills that are relatively immune to these impacts—like the ability to empathize, an emotional competence, required by psychotherapists.


Artificial Intelligence Won’t Be Replacing Certain Skills

As technology continually improves, companies look forward to opportunities to increase efficiency and quality while cutting down on costs. At the same time, from a different perspective, employees fear losing their jobs, or even seeing entire professions cease to exist, due to the impacts of automation and artificial intelligence (AI).


Understanding Learning Labs in the Workplace

Learning labs are typically only thought of as being present at public schools, colleges, and universities. They offer a space where students can go to exercise and practice new skills and seek out additional learning resources. And they’re typically located in a designated room or building on a campus or in a library.


How to Create Effective Training Video Content

In 2016, 98% of organizations said they would implement video as part of their digital learning strategy. And it will become more and more critical for your training programs to include effective video content in the near future. (Read “Why Your Training Materials Must Include Video Content in 2018” for more details.)


Few Employers Capitalizing on Job Satisfaction Benefits of Digitization

With historically low unemployment rates, it’s more important than ever to keep employees satisfied and engaged because they are simply in greater demand and have more options. So, employers should be doing whatever they reasonably can to ensure their employees are happy and satisfied.


Robotic Process Automation

Automation and technology have been hugely important in generating efficiencies and, therefore, profitability in businesses for centuries. From the steam engine to the assembly line to robotics, automating tasks traditionally performed by humans can often lead to advantages in quality, consistency, and speed. But automation may not always be the answer!