Tag: Training Today

Get a Move on Training!

Why? Consider that brain research conducted in the past decade has found that moving from a sitting position to a standing position increases oxygen to the brain by 15 to 20 percent and that “more oxygen in the brain means better learning. It’s that simple,” says Sharon Bowman, president of Bowperson Publishing & Training (www.bowperson.com) […]

Performance Appraisal Ratings—Training Required!

Because poor performance is often advanced as the reason for a termination, the performance appraisal system is often the crux of the defense against a wrongful termination suit. Here’s how to train your managers and supervisors to make sure your appraisals hold up. Direct Legal Problems in Appraisals One common claim is from an employee […]


8 Steps to Conflict Resolution

Now that we’ve established how managing conflict is critical to the overall success of your business, today’s Advisor provides you with a simple eight-step conflict resolution process that you can train your employees to use for resolving any type of workplace conflict.

Do Your Supervisors and Mangers Know How to Resolve Conflicts?

In today’s Advisor, we’re going to examine conflict resolution and why it’s so important for your personnel to be trained in this invaluable management skill. When supervisors and managers know how to resolve workplace conflicts effectively, they can save time and turn potentially destructive situations into positive, productive opportunities for growth and development within their […]

Warning Signs of Ethical Dilemmas

During ethics training, employees should gain a thorough understanding of company policy, as well as the importance of maintaining an ethical workplace. Here are some practical guidelines for ethics training: Introduce new employees to the organization’s ethics policies and standards during their orientation period. Make sure that all employees—old and new—get awareness training that introduces […]


Do Your Employees Need Ethics Training?

Certainly, supervisors and managers need to understand your company’s ethics policy and the importance of enforcing it. Train them on your policy, as well as the need to observe the highest standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in the workplace.

Get Your Safety Committees Committed!

Does this scenario look uncomfortably familiar? If so, here are several actions you can take to get your safety committee excited, involved—and committed—to complementing and strengthening workplace safety and training. Safety Planning If you don’t already have a safety program, or you have one but need to update it, you can use your safety committee […]

CMV Drivers and Their Daily Logs

The real core of the daily log is the grid. The grid is divided into 15-minute increments, with midnight, noon, and each hour labeled. Make sure that your CMV drivers know that they must note: Each change of duty status on the grid. The name of the town and state for each change of duty […]

Are Your CMV Drivers coming up “ACES?”

Answer these quick questions to test your own knowledge about driving logs. Decide if each of these statements is true or false. Driver logs may be filled out at the end of each week. Logs must be turned in to the carrier at the end of each shift. Pre- and post-trip inspections should be logged […]

Fail-Safe Fall Hazard Training

Whether employees trip and fall, slip and fall, or fall from a height, the risk of injury is high. And the higher they go, the harder they fall! So make sure you have all the fall hazards in your work areas covered. Stairs can be dangerous, especially if employees: Fail to hold on to handrails. […]