Tag: turnover

New Data Highlights Financial Toll of Toxic Workplaces

A toxic workplace can quietly drain a company’s resources, morale, and financial health. While most business leaders and people managers recognize toxic workplaces are bad for business, workplace toxicity is typically seen as a metric that’s hard to quantify. That can make it difficult to prompt corrective action. According to the new “State of Workplace […]

Speaking the Language of Your CEO

It’s no secret there’s sometimes a significant disconnection between the CEO (and C-suite) and HR leaders in many organizations. While HR is focused on ensuring a positive and supportive culture and boosting employee engagement, CEOs are much more focused on the bottom line and often have a hard time understanding and supporting HR initiatives that, […]

Impacts of Turnover on Remaining Staff

After a round of layoffs, remaining employees typically feel a range of emotions. On the one hand, they’re relieved to still have a job. Layoffs are stressful and can have life-altering impacts on workers and their families. On the other hand, no employee is really a winner in a layoff scenario. Remaining employees will likely […]

Noncompete Contracts Protect Your Business in a High-Turnover Job Market

In a job market with high turnover rates, noncompete contracts are useful ways to protect your business in industries that are susceptible to damage when an employee brings knowledge of internal operations to other companies. This article is meant to help you decide whether your business would benefit from a noncompete contract for your employees […]

The Long-Term Impacts of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Unfortunately, sexual harassment is a reality in workplaces around the world, including advanced Western economies that one might expect to be more progressive. Workplace sexual harassment is also notoriously underreported, due in large part to the stigma that is sometimes felt by the victim, the fear of retribution, and the belief that nothing will be […]

How Internal Mobility Can Improve Retention, Experience, and Leadership

Companies talk a big game about diversity and inclusion, often with an intense focus on increasing diversity representation at the highest levels of leadership. Yet many of these same companies struggle to hire, retain, and promote diverse employees. In light of the “Great Resignation” taking place, in which employees who weren’t happy in their jobs […]

What Is the Great Resignation?

That the COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for people and organizations around the world is a gross understatement. Aside from the millions who perished because of the disease, businesses have found it difficult to maintain adequate staffing levels.

A Talent Churn Is Coming: How Can Companies Prepare for It?

While the job market continues to fluctuate, there’s one trend that’s picking up speed: employee turnover. A March 2021 survey from Morning Consult and Prudential found that 26% of respondents plan to look for a new employer once “the threat of the pandemic has decreased.” As the United States inches closer to herd immunity, employers […]


Talent Retention Still Vital, Despite Pandemic

Given the global coronavirus pandemic, one would assume this would be the cause for the high turnover across the United States. However, according to a new report, job dissatisfaction is one of the reasons employees left the workforce in 2020.


Before We Bring Them Back, Are They Worth Rehiring?

The term “boomerang employee” refers to a worker who has left your company only to be rehired sometime later. We’ve discussed the pros and cons of bringing back boomerang employees in the past, but as employers seek to rehire laid-off or furloughed workers, it’s time we look at new research to solve the question once […]