The Biggest Changes in Collaboration Over the Last Decade and What to Expect in the Decade Ahead

There’s no denying the workspaces we once knew have undergone profound transformations over the last several years. From physical space revolutions to digital solutions and remote working frontiers and beyond, each dramatic advance has one cornerstone in common: collaboration.  Cutting-edge technology enabled individuals and teams to work from nearly anywhere using an endless array of […]

Upskilling on the Rise: Insights from Go1’s Latest Research

National Online Learning Day falls on September 15 every year—an awareness event that has taken place every September since its inception in 2016. Interest and awareness, of course, have exploded since the pandemic, when online learning became more of a mandate than an option. Employees are interested in online learning and will adopt it but […]

Empowering the Modern Workforce: How Technology Is Redefining Training

Training in today’s dynamic corporate landscape has evolved from a mere checkbox activity to a strategic imperative. As organizations invest heavily in upskilling their workforce, the pressing question remains: Is our training truly making a difference? With rapid advancements in technology, companies now have tools at their disposal to not only deliver training but also […]

Is Upskilling the Key to Employee Retention?

The pandemic fundamentally scared companies. For the first time in a number of years, companies were scrambling to hold onto staff and watching a growing wave of vacancies erode any capacity for production, even after forced separation was no longer required. Some corporations even went so far as to continue to pay employees during their […]

How Digital Ecosystems Help Businesses Navigate the Tech Talent Crunch 

Tech talent shortages are top of mind for businesses worldwide as demand for cloud computing, IT skills, and artificial intelligence grows. According to research by digital infrastructure company Equinix, 62% of global decision-makers surveyed said a shortage of IT talent threatened their business success. In an interview with Forbes, one CEO called the tech talent […]

The Benefits of Reskilling

Reskilling and upskilling are terms that refer to workforce development and employee training efforts designed to ensure employees are capable and competent to achieve job objectives. While similar, the two terms are different. Difference Between Reskilling and Upskilling Reskilling is the process of training employees in new skills that are entirely different from the skills […]

What is Upskilling?

Upskilling is the process of teaching or training employees to enhance their existing skills. The goal is to ensure they’re kept up to date with the latest industry trends, technologies, and processes to ensure their productivity, efficiency, and overall performance. Upskilling Matters for Organizations For instance, in the HR profession, laws and regulations are continually […]

A Look at Some Hard-Hit Job Functions

Amid all the talk about the Great Resignation and general labor market turmoil, it’s easy to forget that high labor demand is no longer applicable across all job functions and industry segments. Recruiters facing labor shortages in certain industries might want to consider expanding their search to include candidates from nontraditional backgrounds. Job Shortages May […]

Upskilling and Reskilling: The Secret to Retaining Talent and Doing More with Less

Over 93,000 employees of U.S.-based tech companies were laid off in the first 2 months of 2023. As we head further into economic uncertainty, every company is faced with the challenge of doing more with less—less talent, less budget, less time, and fewer resources. One way companies can maximize what they already have is by […]

What a Difference a Mentor Makes

It’s National Mentoring month and HR Daily Advisor is celebrating by encouraging HR professionals to become mentors to someone in their organization and/or network. National Mentoring Month was created in 2002 by Mentoring.org, a mentoring advocacy organization created more than 30 years ago, and the Harvard T.H. School of Public Health to “amplify, encourage, and […]