Tag: video

Talking the CEO’s Language (Video)

In this short video from BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium (AEIS), BLR’s Dan Oswald shares his perspective as a CEO on how to talk the C-suite language. “CEO’s talk the language of numbers.” – Dan Oswald, BLR CEO While his presentation is geared towards HR professionals, his advice resonates across professions.

Caught AND recorded in the act

E-mails, audio recordings, and video surveillance. This trifecta of evidentiary support was put front and center in two disturbing incidents from the sports world that made headlines in the past week. Earlier this week, Atlanta Hawks controlling owner Bruce Levenson stepped down, stating his intention to sell the team, because of a 2012 e-mail that he […]

Clip[pers] his tongue!

This past week the biggest story in the NBA was not the excitement of the first round of the playoffs, but the comments L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling allegedly made to his girlfriend. In an audiotape released Friday by TMZ, a man (allegedly Sterling) is heard chastising his girlfriend for associating with black people and […]

Rutgers lesson: Don’t double dribble your way through key decisions

by Michael P. Maslanka With the Final Four on Saturday and the NCAA national championship game on Monday night, basketball has been much in the news. And not far behind those stories is the unfolding saga of the Rutgers basketball program. Two articles by  The  New York Times writers Kate Zernike and Steve Eder, “Rutgers Tries […]

The Power of Words

Most people would agree that strong communication skills — written or verbal — are an asset for any manager. The ability to communicate effectively can be a profound advantage in business. Words can be used to motivate, negotiate, intimidate, and validate. Words are powerful weapons and, when wielded by someone who is adept in their […]

Is Happiness the Key to Success at Work?

The other day, a colleague shared a video from TEDx. If you’re not familiar with TEDx, it’s a video site developed by TED, a nonprofit devoted to what it calls “Ideas Worth Spreading.” Anyway, I found the video — which had been forwarded from another person inside our company — quite intriguing. The video is […]

Blowing the Whistle

Litigation Value: $50,000 for the office meeting Michael called to discuss his sex life with his employees. In this week’s episode of The Office, we saw two storylines, both of which provide interesting employment law issues: Michael’s quest to find out if Donna is cheating on him and Darryl’s attempt to play a prank on […]

Tiger Doesn’t Need to Apologize to Me

When I heard that Tiger Woods was holding a press conference to apologize for his infidelity, I couldn’t imagine what he’d have to say to me. Let’s face it, Tiger never made any promises to me about how he would conduct himself either personally or professionally. So I was curious as to what he might […]

Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World

HR writer Sarah McAdams reviews the book Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World by Don Tapscott. There are a handful of reasons to read Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World HC. Among them: 1) You don’t “get” the youngest workers at your organization; 2) You […]

Video Technology Changing Interviewing Process

When you think about interviewing job candidates, what comes to mind? The interviewee makes sure his clothes are neatly pressed (and free of stains) and that his hair is combed, teeth are brushed, and palms are dry for the inevitable interviewer handshake. Well, today that handshake may never happen. Technology, especially video technology, is radically […]