Wellness Programs that Make an Impact
Can a workplace wellness intervention help improve employee vitality and purpose? A recent study suggests that it just might.
Can a workplace wellness intervention help improve employee vitality and purpose? A recent study suggests that it just might.
Imagine you had two extra hours today to spend however you pleased. What would you do with that time? Play with your kids? Work out at the gym? Sleep? For many of the nurses in a recent Swedish study, the answer was all of the above. The 23-month experiment followed 68 nurses who were divided […]
HR Daily Advisor recently reported that workplace wellness programs may be missing the mark and a new report from the Campbell Institute drives this point further home.
Workplace wellness programs have great power to create healthy employees, improve employee engagement, and can lead to better employer engagement. Today we will look at the highlights of a new guide on workplace wellness. We are also joined by Hector De La Torre, Executive Director of Transamerica Center for Health Studies® (TCHS) and Dr. Cristina […]
“Workplace wellness programs cover over 50 million workers and are intended to reduce medical spending, increase productivity, and improve well-being. Yet, limited evidence exists to support these claims,” conclude three university researchers in a newly published study.
by Sally J. Reynolds Each year thousands of Americans resolve to quit smoking, but most will be unsuccessful. Some employers have begun implementing financial incentives to motivate their health plan participants to stop using tobacco. One type of reward may be a discount on health insurance premiums for employees who don’t use tobacco or are […]