Tag: workplace

Faces of HR: SHRM’s CHRO on the Art of Simplicity

Jim Link’s path to CHRO at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) started with a lucky break: An internship at General Electric threw him headfirst into the world of HR. Tasked with both crafting the company newsletter and navigating the complexities of union grievances, his early exposure to the crucial roles of communication and […]

Businesses Must Lead on Eliminating Poverty and Health Disparities

My work as a DEI expert for institutions in the health ecosystem (think pharma, medical schools, hospital systems, etc.) has made one thing consistently clear: finding solutions to health disparities means addressing the issue of poverty. The two are inextricably intertwined, and businesses must lead out front. A recent study outlined poverty’s impact on mortality […]

Empowering Women’s Well-Being in the Workplace

A recent study reveals that women in the workplace don’t experience the same stress levels as men. Whereas 52% of male workers in the United States and Canada reported they felt stress “a lot of the day yesterday,” the number for female workers was 62%. Those higher stress levels, which can stem from a variety […]

How to Use Your Introverted Tendencies to Your Advantage in the Workplace

I’ve dedicated my career to teaching the science of communication, and over the years, many people have approached me during training sessions, saying, “You’re so good at this. You’re clearly an extrovert!” This isn’t the case at all. I have always known that I’m an introvert, and communication hasn’t come easily to me. However, with […]

Writers Strike

EntertainHR: AI in Hollywood – Inspiring Imagination or Threatening Writers?

Almost 2 months in, the writers’ strike in Hollywood shows no signs of ending soon. Members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) are seeking a guarantee that studios won’t use artificial intelligence (AI) to write or rewrite scripts, among other proposals. To date, studios and networks represented by the Alliance of Motion Picture and […]

Ask the Expert: When Is the WARN Act Required?

In our latest installment of Ask the Expert, brought to you by the team of industry experts at HR Hero®, we look at a recent question from a subscriber regarding the WARN Act and the required notifications that must be provided ahead of a temporary layoff. Q: We are a privately owned company, based in Missouri, with […]

Ask the Expert: Do Employees Need To Be Notified of Workplace Video Surveillance?

In our latest installment of Ask the Expert, brought to you by the team of industry experts at HR Hero®, we look at a recent question from a subscriber regarding the use of video surveillance in the workplace and if there are any obligations to notify employees. Q: We are a non-union food packager, based in Illinois, […]


Just Whine, Baby: Gruden Sues NFL Over Leaked E-Mails

The Oakland . . . I mean Los Angeles . . . I mean Oakland . . . I mean Las Vegas Raiders have a tradition of high-profile litigation second to no one in sports. Al Davis’ “just win, baby” philosophy spilled off the gridiron and into courtroom battles as well. So, it comes as […]

How Leadership’s Understanding of “Psychological Safety” is More Important than Ever

Whether you’ve been leading a remote workforce for decades, recently ventured into this space, are dabbling with hybrid models or fully returning your staff to in-house status, one thing is certain: The concept of “workplace” has changed forever. The pandemic effectively recast it. And the hard, sacred work of nurturing company culture has gotten even […]

How to Create a Veteran-Friendly Workplace Year-Round

In honor of Veterans Day, companies across the United States are finding special opportunities to celebrate their veteran employees and show appreciation for their service to the country. While recognizing veterans with a day of celebration and reflection is necessary, it is also important for organizations to remember to provide support not just on November […]