In the 6th installment of our Firing 101 series, Stephen Bruce discusses the nine questions you should answer before your next termination meeting. Termination meetings are tough enough already. You don’t want any additional surprises. These nine questions will help you ensure that you are prepared.
One of the biggest concerns for employers who are considering implementing a BYOD workplace policy is balancing the need to protect company information with employee privacy. Mario Bordogna of Steptoe & Johnson, PLLC provides practical advice for employers who have or are considering a BYOD work environment to an audience of HR professionals and employers […]
What action should an employer take if an employee’s personal device containing confidential employer information is lost or stolen? Mario Bordogna of Steptoe & Johnson, PLLC explains an employer’s options in this ‘doomsday scenario’ of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to work environment to an audience of HR professionals and employers at the Advanced […]
The Supreme Court’s ruling on DOMA/same-sex marriage has major tax implications and creates significant changes for many employers and their benefit plans. Ben Conley of Seyfarth Shaw LLP ( explains the impact of the ruling and what employers need to know at BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium (AEIS) in Orlando, Florida. Learn more about AEIS […]
With benefits accounting for 30% of compensation spending for most organizations, employers want to make sure their ROI is as high as possible, and want employees to understand–and appreciate–the value of their benefits. Carla McCormick, Vice President of Health Management Solutions for Fallon Benefits Group, provides practical, low-cost solutions to make your employee benefits communications […]
Employers must soon decide whether they are going to ‘play or pay’ under the Affordable Care Act (known as ACA or health care reform). Under this particular provision, employers with 50 or more employees face penalties if they don’t offer health insurance coverage or if the coverage they offer is insufficient. The penalty for not […]
What are the important components an employer’s gun or firearm policy that will make it effective? Charles S. Plumb of McAfee & Taft ( provided information that could both limit your liability in the event of workplace violence involving firearm– as well as reduce the possibility of such violence–to an audience at BLR’s Advanced Employment […]
What is an employer’s liability when there is workplace violence involving guns? Charlie S. Plumb of McAfee & Taft ( explored this topic and provided considerations for employers on the topic of workplace gun policies and their enforcement at the recent Advanced Employment Issues Symposium (AEIS) in Orlando, Florida. Learn more about AEIS at
BLR editor Steve Bruce presents the 10 “sins” of employee documentation (with examples)– the 10 things that render documents related to employee performance and disciplinary actions unhelpful at best and damaging at worst.
In the 5th installment of our Firing 101 series, Stephen Bruce explains the many factors that a group should take into account before making a final decision as well as reasonable alternatives to termination.