Tag: job interviews

Only 22% of Companies Want to Know About Applicant Failures

Job interviews are usually about an applicant making a case for why they’re a great asset to the organization and a great fit for the role. They’ll tout their past achievements, education, experience, and personal characteristics. But employers also have an interest in understanding an employee’s weaknesses and past failures. Of course, these are tidbits […]

Good Job Interview? Here’s How to Help Seal the Deal!

Great interview! This is the job for you! Now what? Be strategic and thoughtful, as Art Markman suggests in his insightful article “4 Ways to Follow Up After a Job Interview,” published on November 5, 2020, in the Harvard Business Review. Four Options Always remember that your focus must be on the person who interviewed […]

How to Assess Candidate Integrity in Interviews

In the hiring or recruiting process, evaluating candidate integrity is integral to ensure you are bringing in the right person for the organization. Beyond skills and experience, integrity is the indicator for trustworthiness, accountability, and principles — indispensable qualities for a principled workplace. Interviews are the time to delve into candidate values to gauge alignment […]

How to Talk About Your Weaknesses in Job Interviews

During a job interview, your goal is to sell yourself. To accomplish this, you must first persuade the interviewer that you are qualified for the position, that you will bring value to the company, and that you have the type of personality that meshes well with others. Usually, you do this by explaining your relevant […]

Extreme Job Interviews

The word “extreme” has been used to market a variety of products and activities. Sports broadcasters market “extreme sports” like street luging and mountain biking; gyms and fitness influencers promote extreme workouts; even Doritos has a line of “extreme” chips.

Three Interview Questions to Avoid

When you’re interviewing a potential employee, the stakes are high. You want to bring the right person onto the right team in the right role, and which questions you ask can have a huge impact on the process. You’ve probably spent time tailoring your list to include thoughtful questions that will really help you identify […]


More Than Selfies: The Front-Facing Camera Powers Remote Work

In recent years, the front-facing camera has become the iconic symbol of social media and the global “selfie culture.” In the new world of social distancing and remote work, that same cultural icon has rapidly transformed into the cornerstone and foundation for the new world of remote work.

Hints That Your Employees May Be Job Searching

In times of increased turnover, employers often wonder if they could discover which employees are about to leave and take steps to keep that from happening. While it may not always be possible to stop an employee with one foot out the door (nor would you want to in every case), there are signs that […]

My Hair is Perfect! I’d Make a Great Addition to Your Team!

It’s that time of year again—no, not back to school time. It’s CareerBuilder’s annual list of strangest job interviews, and HRSBT couldn’t be any more excited! If you’ll recall, 2016’s list was filled with stolen family photos, psychic mediums, and pet birds. So what does this year have in store?