Month: December 2013

Employers Face More Challenges in Covering Same-gender Spouses

Many hoped that the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in U.S. v. Windsor would clear up the confusion regarding what employers and plan administrators can and should do if they have employees with same-gender spouses. Alas, that was not to be. As 2014 approaches, employers face as many complications as ever. Rather than simplifying matters, the […]

“He acts like he owns the place!” (Good Thing?)

Depending on the context, that single sentence—He acts like he owns the place!—can either spell disaster or be one of the most positive and flattering things to be said about an employee, says business and leadership blogger Dan Oswald. Oswald, CEO of BLR®, offered these thoughts on increasing company performance by instilling a sense of […]

Tech Training for All Generations

Generation Y workers, more astute in their technology skills than any prior age group, are forcing employers to reevaluate how they hire, train, and equip current and future workforces. These were the findings of a new study, Generational Research on Technology and its Impact in the Workplace, just released by CompTIA, the nonprofit association for […]

“He acts like he owns the place!” (Good Thing?)

Oswald, CEO of BLR®, offered these thoughts on increasing company performance by instilling a sense of ownership in a recent edition of The Oswald Letter. If the statement is made out of frustration about an employee who throws his weight around and has a condescending attitude, you might be in trouble. But if it’s said […]

Reviewing the review: Avoid legally risky mistakes in performance evaluations

The end of the year is a time that’s both hectic and reflective, and it’s that reflective thinking that’s put to use in evaluating employee performance. Whether evaluations are done at the end of the year, the beginning of a new year, or at various times, it’s important to keep the basics of legally sound […]

Save the white males!

For decades the most heated gender-related dispute in the world of Archie Comics was whether Archie was more into Betty or Veronica. But a recent lawsuit by five white male executives of Archie Comics against the company’s female co-CEO is enough to whiten Reggie Mantle’s hair. The five men (and one woman) allege that Nancy […]

Workplace Violence Prevention Training Exercise

The material in today’s Advisor is adapted from BLR’s PowerPoint® training presentation Preventing Workplace Violence: What Employees Need to Know. The target audience for this exercise is all employees. The exercise objective is to identify perpetrators, effects, costs, and causes of workplace violence. The instructions for this exercise are to have trainees complete the work […]