HR Management & Compliance

Hitting the Team Member Trifecta—Not Easy, But Necessary

In a recent conversation with an organizational psychologist, I was asked, “What are the top three things you look for in the members of your management team?” That’s a big and important question.


Yet I was able to answer it quickly and easily: “Trustworthiness, compatibility, and talent.” The next sentence I uttered might surprise you; it surprised me. Without really thinking, I followed up my four-word sentence about what I look for in the people who make up my management team with these three words: “In that order.”

And I stand by my answer. After the meeting concluded, I thought a lot about what the psychologist had asked and even more about my answer. And the more I considered it, the more certain I was that my answer was accurate. Trustworthiness, compatibility, and talent are the three things I consider most important in the people on my team. I’m not saying they’re the only answers or even the right answers. They’re just the right answers for me.


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If you’ve read much of what I write about leadership, you know trust is a common theme. I’ve been on enough teams to know that trust is a critical element of success—in fact, I think it’s the most important. I don’t believe a team can function properly without it.

Team members must believe that their teammates can and will do their job so the team will succeed. They must trust that their teammates will put the team’s interest and success above their own. They must trust that their teammates will join with them to tackle even the most difficult circumstances. Sure, like everything else, trust is easy when things are good. But when the going gets difficult, do the members of your team trust one another? So trustworthiness tops my list. If people aren’t worthy of their teammates’ trust, then they don’t have a place on the team.


The second item on my list is compatibility. I believe you must like and respect the people with whom you work. I hear people say they don’t care whether or not they like their coworkers, but I don’t buy it. Life’s too short to spend it with people you don’t like.

If you work a regular 40-hour workweek for 52 weeks a year, you’ll spend more than 2,000 hours with your coworkers. Most of us spend as much time with our coworkers as we spend with our families. Do you really want to spend that time with people you don’t like? I don’t. And more important, a team in which the members don’t like one another is much less likely to succeed. They call this “team chemistry.” It’s hard to define, but when you have it, you know it. There’s a certain amount of momentum that comes from a team with chemistry that you don’t find in a team without it. Compatibility is critical for a team to succeed.


Third on my list is talent. Some might take exception with talent falling into third place, but I stand by my answer. You see, I don’t care if you’re the most talented person for any specific role—if you aren’t trustworthy or compatible with the other members of the team, you aren’t going to help the team. Period. Does that mean talent isn’t important? Of course not. But I want the most talented person I can find who is also trustworthy and fits well with my team.

I’ve had people who are incredibly bright, experienced, and talented but fail because they don’t fit with the team. Either their teammates didn’t trust them or they weren’t compatible with the team. It’s like a body that rejects an organ. The team will reject that person—regardless of his or her abilities—if the person doesn’t meet the other two criteria. So is talent important? Yes, incredibly so. It’s just not the most important.

If you consider this short list, you’ll see just how hard it is to find the right people for your team. You don’t need to find only trustworthy people. You need trustworthy people who are compatible with the other members of your team—and are the most talented you can find while still possessing the traits necessary to fulfill the first two criteria. You’re looking to hit the trifecta. Ask any gambler just how hard that is.

3 thoughts on “Hitting the Team Member Trifecta—Not Easy, But Necessary”

  1. 80% of employees self report that they are not engaged.
    80% of managers are not suited to managing employees.
    The two eighty percents are closely related.

    Employers keep hiring the wrong people to be their managers and then they wonder why they have so few successful let alone engaged employees.

    Successful employees have all three of the following success predictors while unsuccessful employee lack one or two and usually it is Job Talent that they lack.
    1. Competence
    2. Cultural Fit
    3. Job Talent 

    Employers do a… 

    A. great job of hiring competent employees. 

    B. good job of hiring competent employees who fit the culture. 

    C. poor job of hiring competent employees who fit the culture and who have a talent for the job. 

    Identifying the talent required for each job seems to be missing from talent and management discussions. If we ignore any of the three criteria, our workforce will be less successful with higher turnover than if we do not ignore any of the three criteria.
    1. Competence
    2. Cultural Fit
    3. Talent

    There are many factors to consider when hiring and managing talent but first we need to define talent unless “hiring talent” means “hiring employees.” Everyone wants to hire for and manage talent but if we can’t answer the five questions below with specificity, we can’t hire or manage talent effectively.
    1. How do we define talent?
    2. How do we measure talent?
    3. How do we know a candidate’s talent?
    4. How do we know what talent is required for each job?
    5. How do we match a candidate’s talent to the talent demanded by the job?

    Most managers cannot answer the five questions with specificity but the answers provide the framework for hiring successful employees and creating an engaged workforce.

    Talent is not found in resumes or interviews or background checks or college transcripts.

    Talent must be hired since it cannot be acquired or imparted after the hire.

  2. I partially agree with this analysis. I believe talent is more important than compatibility since you seem to be equating that with likability. Whether or not you can excel if you don’t like your team mates is entirely dependent on individual motivating factors. For people like me that depend primarily on intrinsic rewards rather than extrinsic ones, liking is not as important as trusting that the people we work with have the talent to get the job done. I am more inclined to agree with Bob Gately when he posts that
    Successful employees have all three of the following success predictors while unsuccessful employee lack one or two and usually it is Job Talent that they lack. 1. Competence 2. Cultural Fit 3. Job Talent – See more at:

  3. I struggle with “compatibility” – Who is driving the compatibility quotient of the group? Differences and diversity challenge people to grow, if we only hire people who are compatible with the group, then we miss out on growth opportunities. Tolerance is the criteria that I look for in a new hire – can they allow others to be who they are? Can a new person work with others, see their points of view, and be respectful while still being the talented person that I hired?

    If I’ve hired a trustworthy, Tolerant and Talented individual, and somehow they don’t seem to be a good fit with the team, then I need to look at the other members of the team and find out if I have someone who is not tolerant.

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