Benefits and Compensation

‘Mr. Oswald, Thank You’ (WWII Vets Honored)

Honor Flight

Sir, the event you no doubt witnessed was one of the several “Honor Flights” that are being done to pay homage to our World War II veterans. If anyone knows of a soldier who participated in WWII who wishes to be a part of this one-day trip to D.C. with special honors, please check this opportunity out quickly!

And, from another reader, a similar response:

I suspect this group was an Honor Flight, a nonprofit which provides flights at no charge for veterans to go to Washington, D.C. to see the memorials commemorating their service. I was privileged to serve as an escort for my father in such a trip for WW2 vets this spring, 2014. He is 88. Your reaction was typical as we walked through airports across the country. Respect! Admiration! Applause! Tears! Hugs! Thanks for service. Spontaneity.

What it has to do with leadership? For the veterans, it was a decision to Walk the Talk. Put yourself on the line. Serve something larger than yourself. Commit for the common good. Take a risk.

What it has to do with leadership for all of us who see others who lead? Recognizing leadership. Esteeming those who do it well. Encouragement. Passing along stories of great examples.

The emotion of those moments of bystanders being caught up in the moment were profound. Good leaders stir our hearts deeply. They are inspiring. Our homes, organizations, communities, states, and nation need good leadership!, now thoroughly revved with easier navigation and more complete compensation information, will tell you what’s being paid right in your state–or even metropolitan area–for hundreds of jobs. Try it at no cost and get a complimentary special report. Read More.

Moving and Inspiring

Dan, very moving and inspiring! I will be sharing this with our managers. Thank you!

Will Be Sent Throughout Our Organization

What a great and uplifting article! It will surely be sent to the supervisors throughout our organization! I’m heading to Austin early next week—I wish I had been there to experience the event first hand! Thank you, Mr. Oswald, for taking the chance and posting this wonderful article!

Wish I Had Been There

WOW … I’m from Texas and now live in TN. I only wish I had been at the Austin airport with you. Thanks for sharing. And, thanks for putting ‘why we work’ into perspective. If we can’t develop our staff and make a difference in their and our customers’ lives, then we’re losing out.

World Should Be More About Helping Others

Thank you for sharing this story. I agree wholeheartedly with your summary. This world should be more about helping others and less about helping ourselves. Great recommendation for managers, as so many employees want to be a part of the company and not just a cog in the wheel. Blessings to you!

Never Lose Sight of Our History

I enjoyed your story very much. I work for a nonprofit community center for folks 55 and better. Their stories of what they have done in their lifetime is phenomenal. It’s a reminder of the significant contribution by others before us and that we should never lose sight of our history, no matter how long past. It’s part of our job (at work and not) to always do the best we can in all the different roles we have during our lifetime … good managers, leaders, teachers, parents, et al.

I Am So Proud

My father was a WWII Vet as well as a Portland City Firefighter. He also served in the American Legion as a Lifetime member. He just passed away at 92 last month. I heard many stories of valor and courage as I grew up. I will miss him. His life was one of sacrifice and I am so proud of what he gave to our country, city, and community.

Everything We Do Counts—To Someone

Thanks to Mr. Oswald for an essay that touched my heart, and for taking it further, to show how all of us can make a difference. The scene described reminded me of little John-John Kennedy, as he bravely saluted his father for the last time.

In the HR profession, it’s easy to feel that what we do is largely taken for granted—after all, we don’t make the product, sell the product, or count the receipts … but your essay is a reminder that everything we do counts—to someone, somewhere. We may never be aware of the effects our best efforts have, but at least we can smile, knowing it’s possible that when we do our best, we have the chance to reach across generations.
Thanks to Mr. Oswald and to Veterans everywhere,

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Army Ranger Understands

I am so glad these men are recognized for their service. Anytime I see a service man I make certain to thank them for their service.

At age 63 I remember Vietnam and the days of coming home and getting spit on by people in our country. Most of us hid our uniforms and stayed out of sight. For some of us Memorial Day still has a different meaning. … I once had a young man who came home from Iraq. He would not talk about what happened over there. I told him I know because I went through the same thing in 1969-1972. I know about discrimination for being a vet. As a former HR Manager I remember having a heated discussion when the company did not want to bring vets back to work when they came back from Iraq or Afgan.

Please respect the people that have given much to have a country where you can enjoy the freedom we have in the USA. If you run into a vet, thank them for their service regardless of when and where. Please do not discriminate against our returning soldiers.
Army Ranger 1969–1975

Mr. Oswald, ‘Thank You’

Mr. Oswald, thank you for sharing this experience, and for your thoughts on the good we can do in our work lives.

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