Yesterday we explored the ups and downs of team interviews. Today we’ll explore the best practices for team interviews in order to ensure better results.
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As we discussed yesterday, one of the common problems with team interviewing is disagreement among team members concerning the candidate. Choosing how you will decide on a candidate before the interview helps to avoid this problem. And, you have a few choices.
Requiring a consensus in order to hire a candidate can help appease all members of a team, but it can also slow down the process in the event of a disagreement. Alternatively, majority vote pleases most of the people most of the time, but narrow victories can leave just less than half your team unsatisfied.
Recruiting is a challenge for 2015. Learn what’s happening in the real world with our new research report, Recruiting Best Practices: Finding and Attracting Talent in 2015’s Challenging Business Climate. Learn More
A second alternative, ranking, sometimes makes the most sense. In this system, each candidate is ranked by each team member, and the candidate with the highest ranking wins. This method allows each team member to grade their decision from highest to lowest, and gives the team a runner up on hand should the primary candidate not pan out.
A Little Training and Coordination Makes Team Interviews a Powerful Tool
As we have seen, team interviews can provide some really great bonuses to your hiring efforts, but there are some pitfalls, too. Train your employees to capitalize on those bonuses while avoiding the pitfalls, and your team interviews will really take off.
Take some time before the interview to plan. Here are some basic tips for coordinating your team interviews better:
- Make use of every team member’s unique strengths. Make sure that every team member has a unique reason for being at the interview. Plan out what each person will cover in the interview ahead of time. It’s best if their strengths don’t overlap too much.
- Consider the whole. The unique strengths that each team member brings to the table should add up to something that best represents the company. Consider each member to be a facet of the whole gem; that gem is your company’s message. It can be bad for everyone if team members contradict the brand and vision of the company.
- Give everyone time to speak. People need to be able to express what they bring to the interview. Coordinating a strategy that includes every member of the team is the easiest way to ensure you are making the best use of everyone’s time.
It can be tough getting into the swing of things when you are not used to conducting team interviews. A little patience, some planning, and a bit of practice can really help when it comes to selecting the right candidate for the job.
Interviews are a crucial part of recruiting. What are the other challenges facing recruiting today, and how are HR professionals addressing them? Find out with our research report, Recruiting Best Practices: Finding and Attracting Talent in 2015’s Challenging Business Climate.
Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people. See the results of our national survey as well as demographic breakdowns for each question.
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Recruiting strategies? Onboarding practices? What’s working in retention? It’s all in this report: Recruiting Best Practices: Finding and Attracting Talent in 2015’s Challenging Business Climate. Click Here
Among the features of this new product:
- Results from our national survey on recruiting best practices
- Further results of a supplemental survey on recruitment metrics and costs
- National data from the main survey broken down by key demographics
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- And much more!
Don’t be left in the dark! With the information in this report, you will get a feel for what’s working out there—and maybe learn a little about what your competitors might be up to.
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