HR Strange But True

What Do You Do When You’re Bored at Work?

Whether it’s counting the minutes tick by, checking your personal e-mail, or stalking your ex on Facebook, killing time at work (aka boredom) is inevitable. If your job is highly engaging and extremely demanding, you probably don’t get a few extra minutes of downtime … For most of us, however, that seems to not be the case.

Recently, collaborated with Whisper to put together an aesthetically pleasing list of ways employees kill time at work. For those unfamiliar with Whisper, it’s a site that allows users to post their thoughts or opinions anonymously—and for good reason! If some of these managers ever read what their employees were doing, they most likely would be fired!

From pretending a pen is a lightsaber to writing pretend letters of resignation, the list gets pretty ridiculous. Some highlights include:

  • “I engage my boss in idle chit-chat when I get bored at work because I know he will just keep going on for at least an hour if I let him.”
  • “When I get bored at work I move stuff around to confuse people … Not even sorry!”
  • “When I’m bored at work, I dial random extensions, when they answer I yell, ‘Get off the phone, get back to work!’”
  • “Sometimes at work when I get bored, I use the office supplies like arts and crafts.”

What are some things you do while you’re bored at work? Share it in our comments section below, or e-mail us, and it could be featured in the next HRSBT!

If you’d like credit for your story, include your Facebook or Twitter handle, and we’ll mention you in the article and on social media.

Note: We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, anonymity, and so forth.

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