Month: May 2017


Should You Implement a Political Expression Policy in Your Workplace?

HR professionals are charged with keeping employees comfortable, productive, and engaged. As national politics increasingly distract employees from their work, some managers turn to policies or guidelines regarding political expression in the workplace to mitigate these issues.

Upgrading your occupational health and safety management systems

by Cathy Chandler Two workers die each day in Canada from a work-related accident or disease. Hundreds more experience a work-related injury, according to the Association of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada 2015 Statistical Report. The statistics are not improving significantly despite an increased focus from regulators, unions, and industry associations on improving occupational health […]

‘Religious liberty’ order leaves LGBT nondiscrimination provisions intact

On May 4, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) that, unlike a draft version, leaves intact Obama-era LGBT nondiscrimination requirements for federal contractors. The EO, which one expert described as largely hortatory, addresses tax exemptions for religious organizations and the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) contraceptive mandate. But it includes little affirmative movement, according […]


What Can Trainers Do to Improve PowerPoint Slides?

How can trainers improve their PowerPoint® slides to promote learning? Bruce Gabrielle points to four principles gleaned from cognitive science. “If you use these things, you will increase the learning effectiveness of your slides. If you do not use these things, you will decrease the effectiveness of your slides. No ifs, ands, or buts about […]

mental health

Making Mental Wellness a Workplace Priority

It just doesn’t make any sense. Mention to someone that you have a chronic condition like high cholesterol or heart disease, and they will shower you with empathy, offers of assistance, and maybe even a recipe for a healthy snack. Mention that you suffer from mental illness, and the same person is just as likely […]