It’s that time of year again when employees make resolutions to be a better—and healthier—person in the New Year by changing some of their behavior. According to a recent Marist Poll, health-related resolutions ranked at the top with respondents, including losing weight, exercising more, quitting smoking, improving overall health, and eating healthier foods.
New research finds that mobile apps, social media, and Internet resources are the ways to go in 2016 to make keeping resolutions much more doable. Workers can use the Web to learn how to adopt better health habits or turn to social media to find a supportive community for their health goals.
Online and mobile health interventions are getting easier to access, according to an American Psychological Association (APA) press release. In a special issue of Health Psychology, practitioners and researchers discuss a range of health behaviors targeted by online and mobile platforms, including smoking cessation, substance abuse, physical activity, sleep habits, stress management, and medication adherence. Interestingly, tanning was included in the list.