
Do Your Employees Live for the Weekday?

Employee engagement is a hot topic, and disengagement costs a company more than just money. Despite all of the discussion and strategy surrounding the topic, engagement continues to be difficult to achieve. Clint Swindall, president and CEO of Verbalocity, Inc., has some tips for helping you inspire your employees to live for the weekday.

Basic Interviewing

When it comes to interviewing potential employees, the process can be both exciting and overwhelming for them. For them, interviews are filled with potential and opportunity. For you, there are a number of legal pitfalls. Here are some tips on getting started.

First Step in Fixing a Problem is Admitting You Have One

It’s the evening of September 11, 2016, as I write this, the 15th anniversary of the attacks on our country that resulted in 2,996 deaths. If you’re like me, you remember both the horrific and the heroic from that day. I’ll never forget the scenes of destruction that resulted from the cowardly attacks on our […]

Teambuilding Options for Remote Workers

More and more workplaces are offering some form of flexibility in terms of where an employee works. Some organizations have even developed a 100% “virtual” workforce—having no central offices where employees gather and instead allowing all employees to work from home or wherever they happen to be. Other employers have chosen to allow more flexibility […]

A story with legs: Fox News’ $20 million settlement provides warnings for employers

by Mark I. Schickman Fox News understands the life of a news story. It knew that former anchor Gretchen Carlson’s claims of sexual harassment against its former CEO and chairman Roger Ailes would draw headlines for months, as would the ultimate resolution of the claims. In news parlance, Carlson’s claims had “legs.” So, too, would […]

Why The ‘New Normal’ Economy Spells Opportunity for Recruiters

By Josh Wright, chief economist, iCIMS A foot in the door. Pounding the pavement. Our metaphors for finding a job emphasize the arduousness of the task and its chanciness. And these days, it’s not getting any easier. Glance at a newsstand—or your social media newsfeeds—and you’re bound to see stories of economic transition and dislocation. […]

In remembering 9/11, don’t forget USERRA

by Bill Ruhling September 11, 2016, marks 15 years since the attacks on the United States that propelled the country into a war on terror that we continue to wage. It also has brought to the forefront the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform. The upcoming anniversary of those events serves as […]

Step Up and Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

Early last year, Yesenia Diosdado, just 11 years old, got off her school bus near her home in Lexena, Kansas. As the bus pulled away, Yesenia noticed that a three-car accident had occurred at a busy nearby intersection. Police and emergency workers were on the scene attending to the victims. Yesenia wandered over to join […]

Step Up and Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

Early last year, Yesenia Diosdado, just 11 years old, got off her school bus near her home in Lexena, Kansas. As the bus pulled away, Yesenia noticed that a three-car accident had occurred at a busy nearby intersection. Police and emergency workers were on the scene attending to the victims. Yesenia wandered over to join […]