
HR’s New Year’s resolutions (or what your lawyer hopes they’ll be)

by Tracey B. Eberling What will 2014 bring? It’s hard to say. If you’ve been in HR very long, you know that employment law and workplace issues can be unpredictable. But HR professionals can take precautionary, commonsense steps to prevent small problems from spiraling out of control. Here are some resolutions that should help make […]

Ringing in 2014: It’s time to take a look at your policies and employee handbook

by Jeanine Poole The turn of the year is often a good time to review company policies. We’re weighing in with some favorite perennial professional resolutions and perhaps a few new suggestions that might make for a happy 2014.  What’s in a policy? In the employment world, issues involving e-mail, the Internet, and social media […]


10 Sins of Well-Meaning Supervisors

Sometimes it seems as though there are a thousand ways supervisors and managers—with the best of intentions—can practically beg for a lawsuit. We’ve distilled it down into 10 major sins you can talk to your supervisors about (and you might as well include your managers). Sin #1. Making Unlawful Preemployment Inquiries That’s an interesting accent […]


OSHA compliance planning calendar

by John E. Hall Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and standards include numerous training, posting, or other compliance actions that are required annually or at other regular intervals. There are a number of issues you should consider for your compliance planning calendars, including: A facility with employees who have occupational exposure to blood […]

VBBD—A Practical Case Study Shows Benefits

In yesterday’s Advisor, consultant Carla McCormick offered tips for moving toward Value-Based Benefits Design (VBBD). Today, she offers a case study in VBBD plus we introduce a timely webinar on your 2014 Affordable Care Act obligations. McCormick, a consultant with Fallon Benefits Group in Atlanta, made her remarks at BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium, held […]

Train Supervisors to Explain 401(k)s

Because 401(k)s are such an important benefit, employees are likely to have many questions about how the plan works and how they can make their money grow. Your supervisors should be able to field basic questions about your 401(k) plan and help employees learn what they need to know to make informed investment choices and […]

VBBD—Case Study Shows Real Savings

McCormick, a consultant with Fallon Benefits Group in Atlanta, made her remarks at BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium, held recently in Las Vegas. Case Study in VBBD Some facts about the client: Global presence with more than 7,000 covered lives Employee population includes office staff, manufacturing, and drivers Average employee age: 45 years Very low […]

Essential Job Functions as a Component of ADA Compliance

Well-written job descriptions can be a key component to ADA compliance. This is because the essential functions of the job come into play when determining reasonable accommodations for disabled individuals. This connection highlights the importance of really thinking through the essential functions and keeping them updated for every position. Let’s take a look at some […]

Depression: 7 Employer Considerations for Reasonable Accommodations

Dealing with employees suffering from depression is a delicate topic. The number of people seeking treatment for depression in the U.S. is now 27 million a year, and the CDC notes that the most likely groups to suffer from depression are adults in the 40 to 59 age range. With these statistics, most employers will […]