Author: Guest Columnist


9 Ways to Motivate High Performing Employees — According to Them

Creating a company culture that motivates and attracts high-performing employees is what everyone knows they need to do, but executing on that is where, many times, good intentions turn into questionable executions. The world’s greatest organizations get this and see true return on investment (ROI) by investing in their culture and people regularly. But, too often managers listen to other managers and executives in their quest to engage and build high-performing teams rather than going straight to the source—their employees.

An Inauguration for New Hires

Today we’ll hear from Kelly Martin on how to make new hires feel special, with their own sort of inauguration. By Kelly Martin

Types of Flexible Work Arrangements

Does your workplace offer any type of flexible work arrangements for employees? Or are your employees requesting more flexible options? With ever-improving technology, more and more jobs can be performed from any location, which opens up a lot of options for employers looking to provide this sought-after benefit for employees. What options are most common?