Author: Bridget Miller, Contributing Editor

Making the Most of Metrics

In yesterday’s Advisor, we started to review some of the various metrics available to recruiters to assess recruiting effectiveness. Today we’re taking a look at a few more!


Interactive Map Fills Information Gap Between Job Openings and Qualified Candidates

Aspiring Minds (an employability assessment company) has launched a first-of-its-kind, free, interactive platform that links job qualifications to job vacancies and compensation. “The U.S. Skill Map fills a huge information gap between job openings and qualified candidates,” said Varun Aggarwal, cofounder and chief technical officer of Aspiring Minds. “Continually refreshed with new data, it connects […]

Attributes Gap: Are You Delivering What Jobseekers Are Looking for?

Are U.S. employers delivering on what potential employees want most? Results from a recent survey by Randstad US, a staffing and HR services company in the United States, indicates that in many cases they do not, and an “attributes gap” exists.

Shared Talent Pools: A Win-Win for Both Businesses and Talent

By Amy Doyle, VP of Strategic Client Solutions at ManpowerGroup Solutions Companies may be in hiring mode, but the harsh reality is there is not enough talent to meet demand. With the shortage showing no signs of easing, and skills needs changing faster than ever, meeting growth objectives requires new ways of thinking, behaving, and […]

3 Ways to Make Employee Interactions More Proactive and Positive

By Evan Hackel, CEO of Tortal Training and Ingage Consulting As an HR manager or compliance officer, do you sometimes feel that most of your job is telling people what they cannot do, what they cannot have . . . and even worse, what you cannot do for them?

Recruiting Is Broken; Succession Planning Is the Future

By Michael Timms Yes, I realize that saying “recruiting is broken” may sound like something Donald Trump would say if he was in the HR business. But as inflammatory as it may sound, it’s true. Think about it. Is your recruiting process delivering, on a regular basis, the top-tier leaders that your company is desperately […]

Making Absenteeism Absent from Your Organization

Employers naturally want to have a workforce they can count on, but excessive absenteeism—especially without merit—can be a big detriment to productivity. Business Consultant Bridget Miller has some ideas for keeping your employees in their seats.

Recruiting Metrics 101: Which Metrics Matter to You?

Which recruiting metrics are you using to assess recruiting efficiency in your organization? Perhaps you’re using time to hire and cost per hire, but are you looking for something deeper?

Different Personalities, One Team

By Erin Wortham One of the great challenges in human resources and training is creating a single productive team made up of many diverse personalities. With tips on how to meet this challenge, we present an article by Erin Wortham, people engagement manager at Insights Learning and Development.