Author: Guest Columnist

Should I Do Video Interviews?

In yesterday’s Advisor Attorney Jacob Monty gave his advice for employers using social media. Today we’ll look at how he views video and Skype® interviews.

How Can HR Drive High Employee Engagement? Expert Q&A

HR experts emphasize the role of employee engagement in creating and maintaining productive workforce. But what does engagement really mean? And, more importantly, how can you drive it? Vip Sandhir, CEO and founder of HighGround, has answered a list of commonly asked questions on employee engagement.

Make Unboxing Day Count: A Guide to Optimizing the New Hire Experience

By Dane Hurtubise, vice president of New Initiatives, Greenhouse There are few things more exciting than opening something new for the first time. Companies selling consumer goods have become experts at this—making you fall in love with the product, building anticipation, and creating a memorable experience when you finally open the box. In fact, there […]

Don’t Wait Until the Exit Interview

With employees remaining at an organization for approximately 4.6 years, you are going to be forking out a lot because of turnover costs. Waiting for an employee to leave to see whether he or she had concerns with the organization is too late. Try the stay interview instead.

An FLSA Q&A: How Do You Conduct a Compliance Audit?

By Holly Jones, JD One of the hottest topics in labor law lately is the new changes coming to overtime exemption rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The changes will be massive for some organizations, and many will be conducting audits to ensure compliance—but will they be auditing correctly? Here with a Q&A […]

15 Tactics to Prevent FMLA Abuse

By Kate McGovern Tornone, Editor As evidenced by a session from the 2016 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference & Exposition held last month in Washington D.C., Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) abuse continues to be hot topic for employers.

Ask the Expert: Does USERRA Apply to Voluntary Active Duty?

We have an employee that is a member of the Army National Guard. He is considering applying for an Active Duty position within the Guard. If he applies for this position and he is approved for voluntary active duty while still employed with us, will the USERRA guidelines still apply?