Author: Bridget Miller, Contributing Editor

ban the box

What are ‘Ban the Box’ Laws?

“Ban the box” refers to the initiatives, which have gained widespread traction, by which laws are put into place that prohibit employers from asking questions of applicants regarding previous criminal history (and discriminating against them on the basis of their answer) too early in the hiring and recruiting process. These types of initiatives have been […]

Simulations: The Key to Preparing Rescue Teams for Emergencies

It’s well established that hands-on practice reinforces training content and helps participants perfect their skills before they are called upon to use those skills on the job. In the case of rescue teams, that practice can mean the difference between life and death. Today we take a look at two examples of simulation training in […]


How to Fix a Fear-Based Work Culture (Before It’s Too Late)

Fear-based work cultures are more common than you might think. In some cases, the culture stems from the top down, and HR leaders, despite their best efforts, are unable to make a dent in the systemic issue. However, in most cases, fear-based work cultures aren’t set in stone. Even the most unapproachable chief executives take heart when their culture receives negative reviews and publicity, and impacts their bottom line.


Bill Takes Aim at EEOC Wellness Rules

Legislation approved by a House committee would largely negate the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) wellness program rules, which plan sponsors have criticized for adding a duplicative layer of regulation to earlier standards set by other agencies.


FMLA: Employees Can’t Change Facts to Fit Different Claims

The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals (which covers Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas) recently affirmed the dismissal of a former employee’s Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) retaliation claim. The court’s decision and reasoning provides further guidance to employers on the employee notice requirement under the FMLA and is likely to prove useful to employers defending FMLA and other federal claims.

Microlearning Mistakes for Trainers to Avoid

Microlearning is a hot topic in training today, but like all methods, it can be misused. So, what are some mistakes that trainers make when deploying microlearning? We get the answers from Stephen J. Meyer, president and CEO of Rapid Learning® Institute (

Why Do Employees Want Flexible Work?

Many employers have taken notice that employees today are requesting flexible work options more often. Whether that’s telecommuting, a flexible work schedule, a shortened work week, or some other flexible arrangement, these types of benefits are becoming more and more common.