Author: Kate McGovern Tornone


HR Professionals Must Advocate for 21st Century Policies, SHRM Says

Human resources (HR) professionals must develop a cohesive voice to advocate for policies that work in the 21st-century workplace, the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) CEO told attendees during a March 13 presentation.

Different Locations, Different Pay: Getting Pay Differentials Right

The goal for a compensation program is to set a competitive wage range for a given position, and pay the people who perform that job within the salary range. Complications arise, though, when your workforce is spread from city to city, state to state, or country to country. How can you determine what is competitive pay if you have employees doing the same job in Manhattan and in Kansas City?

Mentor Sued for Sexual Harassment Blames Lack of Training for His Behavior

In a recent court case, a male scientist allegedly expressed his interest in having a sexual relationship with a female graduate student on numerous occasions while mentoring her on remote research excursions deep in the woods of Alaska. The student later sued him and the university where she was pursuing a doctorate degree, alleging hostile […]

Employee Benefits Addressing Financial Wellness Show Care, Drive Retention, Says Research

Replacing employees is expensive. In a time of low employee retention and high turnover, employers are striving to improve programs with a positive impact on employee engagement. “While individual benefits may not drive retention, benefits packages that address employees’ needs demonstrate that a company cares and, in so doing, become a driver of retention,” said […]

Sick leave

Leave Management: Survey Spotlights Paid Leave and Other Top Trends

The landscape of employee leaves continues to grow in scope, complexity, and unpredictability. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and other federal statutes have been joined by state, counties, and city leave laws. At the same time, more large employers look at paid leave as an important recruitment and […]