Author: L&D Daily Advisor Staff

Reverse Mentoring Best Practices

In reverse mentoring, a more junior employee provides mentorship to a senior colleague. This role reversal can sometimes be a challenge to implement, so what are some best practices to ensure success with reverse mentoring?

Do You Encourage Employees to Use Up Vacation Time?

While it is not legally mandated for companies in the United States to provide vacation time for employees, many organizations still choose to do so. Yet, the statistics seem to show that U.S. employees rarely take all of the vacation time employers have promised, despite the fact that the average number of days provided is […]


Court Expedites Appeal of Overtime Rule Injunction

A federal appeals court will review the temporary injunction blocking new overtime regulations on an expedited schedule that wraps things up even faster than the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) had requested. But it still won’t reach a decision until after President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, and that could mean the end of the overtime rule, […]

New Survey Findings Offer Insights into Why Your Last Hire Failed

Recent research from Robert Half Finance & Accounting reflects a continuing trend: Aside from poor performance, failed hires are a result of a mismatched skill set. Nearly four in 10 CFOs interviewed (38%) responded this way, up two percentage points from a similar survey conducted 5 years ago. Another 27% of financial executives think unclear performance […]

Millennials Choose a ‘Career for Me’ Over Being the Boss, Says New Research

Instead of climbing the corporate ladder, Millennials are focused on learning the technical and personal skills to ensure long-term career security, according to a study released by ManpowerGroup. Globally, Millennials prioritize pay and purpose. Asked about their career goals, 23% say earning a lot of money is a top priority, followed closely by making a […]

How to Win by Losing Strategically

This contribution is the second in a two-part series from BLR Executive Vice President Elizabeth Petersen about business lessons learned through sports. Read the first part here.

Wellness Lawsuit AARP Versus EEOC: A Quick Recap

Did you know that the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has initiated a lawsuit against the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)? If you’re not already in the know about this, it may seem like an unlikely event, given that the two organizations are typically on the same side in matters related to employee rights. […]