Author: Guest Columnist

Organizational Network Analysis—Cracking The Code for HR

by Patti Anklam, principal consultant, Net Work Knowledge flows along existing pathways in organizations. If we want to understand how to improve the flow of knowledge, we need to understand those pathways —Larry Prusak The effectiveness of an organization—innovation, productivity, decision-making, and employee satisfaction—hinges on the strength of the relationships among its people. The sum […]

3 Rules to Engage and Retain Millennials in The Workplace

by Genevieve Carlton, talent management consultant, Caliper It’s no secret that Millennials, the generation of workers who are now between the ages of 18 to 34, have been on the receiving end of some less-than-positive reviews in the media lately. All you have to do is Google the phrase “Millennials in the workplace” and you […]


Don’t Let Executive Productivity Tank

by Ed Chaffin, BCC, president, IMPACT Group Do you provide training for internal employees when they transition into a new role? Or do you let them free fall and cross your fingers? Most companies lack a formal training process for internal transfers—to the detriment of productivity and quick success.


8 Ways to Improve Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity can benefit the employer in many ways. Having a diverse group of employees helps to ensure that there will be a wide spectrum of ideas, backgrounds, and skill sets that can help the organization to have more innovative ideas and less likelihood of tunnel vision that comes from not having enough differing perspectives.

mental health

Workers with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Eight Core Safety Competencies They Must Learn

By Jennifer Busick If you employ workers with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDDs), you’re dealing with a population that needs some targeted attention in order to prevent injuries. Guest columnist Jennifer Busick has compiled eight key safety competencies that these employees must develop in training.


How Executive Compensation is Different from Other Compensation

When setting employee pay, there are a lot of things to consider. Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than with executive-level pay considerations. Executive compensation differs quite a lot from other forms of compensation, and the thought process that goes into setting it must differ accordingly. Executive-level employees, just like other employees, are motivated in […]

Tips for Combating Drug or Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace

Drug or alcohol abuse in the workplace is obviously a serious concern. Not only could the employee be putting him- or herself at a health risk, he or she may also be putting other employees at a safety risk. And, of course, there’s a concern of reduced performance and productivity. Let’s take a look at […]

What is Employee Advocacy?

Have you heard of employee advocacy? In simple terms, employee advocacy refers to the act of employees promoting the company through their own personal actions and through their own networks. This is often on social media. It is separate from paying employees to promote the organization (such as hiring a social media manager).

What Is Pay Compression?

Pay compression is the situation in which an organization has negligible differences in pay between people who have differing skill sets and/or experience levels. It often happens when current employee pay raises don’t keep up with increases in the market pay rate—resulting in a situation in which new hires are hired in at levels similar […]