Author: Steve Bruce

More Info on the Talent War

According to a new survey, companies across the globe are suffering from a talent shortage. Many employers are citing skilled trades as the roles that are hardest to fill, for the seventh consecutive year. As talent shortages worsen, companies are increasingly turning to training and development to fill talent gaps and upskill employees.

Paid Leave: Coming to a Jurisdiction Near You?

Although the federal government may not go for paid leave, many entities and jurisdictions are taking it up on their own, says Susan G. Fentin, a partner with Skoler, Abbott & Presser, P.C. in Springfield, Massachusetts. Fentin’s Commonwealth of Massachusetts does have a paid leave law, and she shared her perspective on paid leave at […]


Unlimited Vacation Time—California Here We Come!

Should you consider this Silicon Valley trend that’s spreading across the United States? Attorney Susan Fentin, a partner with Skoler, Abbott & Presser, P.C., in Springfield, Massachusetts, offered her take on unlimited vacation at BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium, held recently in Las Vegas.

IRS Again Leaves Most Annual Retirement Plan Limits Unchanged

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) again left most annual threshold and benefit levels unchanged when it announced them for 2017 on October 27, 2016. Employers and retirement plan administrators can apply the new rates as they prepare their plans for next year and conduct nondiscrimination testing. Notice 2016-62 laid out the latest changes to cost-of-living […]

Transitioning Employees to Retirees

If you’re like many employers and have Baby Boomers in your workforce, you may be thinking about how you’re going to replace all that organizational knowledge as they retire. If that’s what’s on your mind, then it’s time to dust off that succession plan and get busy capturing all that knowledge. This article, however, is […]