Author: Bridget Miller, Contributing Editor

Introducing the Continuous Candidate

As we saw in yesterday’s Advisor, the “continious candidate” is always in the market for a better job. How can you combat this problem? Today we’ll look at the rest of what Jim McCoy, vice president of ManpowerGroup Solutions, has to say on the topic.

Getting Diverse Personalities on the Same Page

By Cameron Herold In yesterday’s Advisor, Cameron Herold, founder of COO Alliance and author of Meetings Suck: Turning One of the Most Loathed Elements of Business into One of the Most Valuable, described four different personalities: Dominants, Expressives, Analyticals, and Amiables. Today Herold provides advice on getting these personalities to work together well in meetings.

Asking Salary History May Soon Be a Thing of the Past

Does your organization routinely ask applicant salary history during the recruiting process? If so, you’ll want to pay close attention to some upcoming legislation that could change all of that. There’s a proposed bill coming before Congress that would make asking salary history illegal.

5 Recruiting Strategies for A New Generation

By Evan H. Lesser As recruiters begin to grapple with the influx of Millennial talent into the workforce, many are finding that their tried-and-true tactics and strategies don’t seem to be as effective as they had been for previous generations.

Infographic: US Employer Hiring Plans for Q4 2016

Employers intend to increase hiring in 42 of 43 countries and territories through the end of the year, according to the latest Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, released by ManpowerGroup. Employer hiring confidence remains strong despite uncertainty associated with the slowdown of the global economy, the Brexit vote, and continued financial market volatility. So how does […]

The ROI of Diversity Initiatives: The Challenges of Metrics

 By Dr. Edward E. Hubbard There’s a fair amount of buzz around diversity measurement and analytics. Advances in software, newly-available data sources, and how-to manuals have made it easier gain access to diversity measures. Although interest in measuring the effects of diversity has been growing, the topic still challenges even the most sophisticated and progressive […]

Survey Shows ROI of Creating a More Human-Focused Workplace Culture

Companies that focus on creating a human-focused workplace can reap significant rewards in terms of employee well-being, engagement, and retention, according to a recent survey, “The ROI of Recognition in Building a More Human Workplace,” by Globoforce’s new WorkHuman® Research Institute.

Doing More Than Listening to Employee Complaints

Complaints are a normal part of life as an HR manager, no matter how well run your business is. Knowing how to handle complaints well can be a benefit for your sanity and for the happiness and productivity of the entire workforce.

The Four Personality Types in Your Meetings

By Cameron Herold Everyone has his or her own unique personality, and it has an effect on the workplace. Understanding how these personalities interact in meetings can make the difference between productivity and stagnation. Cameron Herold, founder of COO Alliance and author of Meetings Suck: Turning One of the Most Loathed Elements of Business into […]