Category: HR Perspectives

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HR Perspectives provides a platform for leaders and change-makers of the HR community to share their thoughtful insights and opinions.

What Does Pay Transparency Have to Do with Job Descriptions?

Legislation such as banning inquiries about candidates’ salary histories and requiring pay ranges in job advertising is forcing employers to become more intentional about their compensation plans. These new laws are designed to shrink the existing pay gap between male and female employees and to prevent disparate impact on candidates who belong to protected classes. […]

Why Good Leaders Go Bad

By a show of hands, I ask in my leadership workshops, how many of you have worked for a bad boss or bosses? Reliably, almost every hand shoots up. Enduring a jerk of a boss seems to be a workforce universal constant in every industry. This is reflected in popular culture in movies like Horrible […]

The HR Pro’s Blueprint for Successfully Navigating an M&A

The company I work for was recently acquired and merged with another organization. Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are becoming increasingly common. In 2022 alone, there were over 1,800 M&As of enterprise software companies—up by 8% the year prior.  M&As can be stressful and uncertain, and your team will undoubtedly have questions and concerns. But thankfully, […]

The Challenges and Benefits of Balancing Global Corporate Values with Local Culture

Maintaining a business culture globally is certainly a challenge, with regional values and norms, differing laws and policies, communication issues, and more to consider. To say it’s a balancing act to blend corporate values with local culture is an understatement, but it gets even trickier when you’re expanding and need talent on the ground.  At […]

Is Upskilling the Key to Employee Retention?

The pandemic fundamentally scared companies. For the first time in a number of years, companies were scrambling to hold onto staff and watching a growing wave of vacancies erode any capacity for production, even after forced separation was no longer required. Some corporations even went so far as to continue to pay employees during their […]

Improve Company Culture and Create an Engaged Workforce

Global Company Culture Day is here! Observed on September 18 every year, this day provides a unique opportunity for company leaders to take a step back from their business and evaluate their company’s culture. The answer to improving your company’s culture could be as simple as reviewing, and perhaps tweaking, the benefits your organization provides […]

DEI and Mental Health: Keys to Improving Intertwined Workforce Initiatives

Back in 2019, before Black Lives Matter and George Floyd put an overdue spotlight on companies’ role in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), we at DMi realized our usual approach of self-reliance on overcoming challenges wasn’t cutting it. We began a search for a consultant who could advise us on the best path forward […]

The Time Is Now: How Employers Can Address Access and Outcomes in Mental Health 

As the federal public health emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic expires, our focus must return to the ongoing epidemic of mental and behavioral health in this country, which was only exacerbated by the pandemic. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness’s Mental Health by the Numbers report, one out of five adults in the […]

The Return-to-Office Dilemma: Beyond Remote Work, It’s About Autonomy and Trust

There’s a fundamental misunderstanding between employees and employers regarding return-to-office mandates: It isn’t actually about remote work at all. It’s about personal autonomy and employees’ desire to be trusted to choose the schedule and location that work best for them personally. In Times of Disruption, People Seek Control Interest rates are rising, the market is […]

Embracing Authenticity, Awareness, and Acceptance: How SCOTUS’s Affirmative Action Ruling Will Impact Corporations

For over 25 years now, I have been consulting with companies about diversity and inclusion. This was long before the word “equity” was included. I’ve watched the concepts go from apathy to mild interest to the hottest internal HR and community initiatives that brought the word “equity” into the mix to now diversity, equity, and […]