Category: HR Perspectives

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HR Perspectives provides a platform for leaders and change-makers of the HR community to share their thoughtful insights and opinions.

Creating One-Day Success in HR

Most people think of success as some far-off, massive goal—a big promotion, the extensive initiative accomplished. But all long-term success is created through small, daily actions compounded over time. Rather than getting overwhelmed thinking about lofty goals and big projects, real and lasting progress happens through daily discipline focused on intentional results. In my book […]

Rates of Depression Continue to Rise: How Should Employers Respond?

A recent Gallup poll found that the percentage of U.S. adults who report having been diagnosed with depression at some point in their lifetime reached 29%, a 10-percentage-point increase from 2015. Additionally, the number of Americans who have been or were being treated for depression during the same period is now at 18%, up 7 […]

How to Keep Great Employee Ideas Flowing

When you share a great idea at work and your boss gives you the green light, you feel good, right? What if your boss greenlights your great idea and then delegates the implementation of the idea to you. How do you feel now? Many of us will feel overwhelmed and regret we said anything because […]

Why Leaders Should Have a Slice of Humble Pie

Alicia, the head of HR, leaned back in her chair and looked thoughtfully out her office window. She had just wrapped up another exit interview—the third this week. She thought about the old adage “People don’t quit their jobs; they quit their managers.” “Well,” she thought, “if this is true, then ‘Houston, we have a […]

The Biggest Changes in Collaboration Over the Last Decade and What to Expect in the Decade Ahead

There’s no denying the workspaces we once knew have undergone profound transformations over the last several years. From physical space revolutions to digital solutions and remote working frontiers and beyond, each dramatic advance has one cornerstone in common: collaboration.  Cutting-edge technology enabled individuals and teams to work from nearly anywhere using an endless array of […]

How to Keep a Growing Hybrid Workforce Engaged

Keeping a growing workforce engaged poses a challenge under the most “normal” of circumstances. But as every HR professional knows, the last few years have been anything but normal. For IGS Energy, where I serve as Chief People Officer, there’s no doubt that things were simpler before the pandemic upended the way we work. Just […]

Top Lessons Learned During My Entrepreneurial Journey

The conventional hiring wisdom prioritizes hard skills. However, at a company’s earliest stages, the sheer quantity and diversity of activities that are required to get things off the ground very rarely fit squarely in one person’s suite of competencies. Daily activity also evolves rapidly, so hiring someone who meets a specific set of needs at […]

Empowerment Through Benefits: Nurturing Employee Financial Health

Wellness programs have become a standard for organizations today–which is great news for employees–but they often focus on things like nutrition and fitness, work-from-home allowances, and mental health support. Often important elements like financial well-being, that can have a significant impact on an employee’s mental health, are overlooked. It’s been said that “a company is […]

What Does Pay Transparency Have to Do with Job Descriptions?

Legislation such as banning inquiries about candidates’ salary histories and requiring pay ranges in job advertising is forcing employers to become more intentional about their compensation plans. These new laws are designed to shrink the existing pay gap between male and female employees and to prevent disparate impact on candidates who belong to protected classes. […]

Why Good Leaders Go Bad

By a show of hands, I ask in my leadership workshops, how many of you have worked for a bad boss or bosses? Reliably, almost every hand shoots up. Enduring a jerk of a boss seems to be a workforce universal constant in every industry. This is reflected in popular culture in movies like Horrible […]